Pest Control.

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Cat and Harley sat there staring at the Stark tech, both with the same frown.

"What now?"

The young man looked at her with incredulity. "Call Spider-man!"

"So he calls me a thief?" Cat scoffed. "No, thank you!"

"If you tell him about the girl—"

"He'll say I 'endangered' a child."

"Why do you use quotations there?" Harley scowled at her. "You did."

"The chipmunk stayed as a lookout while I did all the heavy lifting. I'm a responsible adult."

"No one buys that."

"That's not the point," Cat waved a hand dismissively. "We have this and my blaster, but we can't use them any time soon."

"Because Damage Control will know you did it, or they'll go after the girl again."

"I don't think Damage Control is the bad guy here," she said pensively, her index finger above her upper lip, "they're the fastest way to hear about the possible new mutants in the city, and Deever was informing someone else and trying to get them... for testing or slavery. I expect."

"There's something that's been bothering me since you told me what Kingpin said to you," Harley put the sunglasses away. 

"What is it?"

"Smerdyakov told him about you?" He raised a brow. "It doesn't add up."

"What do you mean?"

"The Chameleon spent years not knowing what you could do after you escaped, you left the lab before recovering properly, right?"

"That's what Kurt's told me."

"So there's no way he would've known that you could mimic without touching, or teleport, or any of that. All of that you developed after you killed him."

"You're right," Cat frowned. "You think Fisk was lying?"

"Kingpin is no liar. He's a manipulator, but he never lies, that's what Matt says. And either way, how could he know Dmitri was the one who caught you the first time?"

She shook her head. "Well, Russo has been on the lookout for me, and that was years after I blew up the labs... Sharon found out about me after she got reinstated... so maybe Nat had added the full background to my files when I was in space?" Her phone buzzed, it was Kate. "Hang on— Hi, princess, what do you need?"

"You haven't forgotten, right?"

Cat glanced at the calendar on Harley's desk. She was blank. "No?"


The young woman looked at his friend for help, Harley rolled his eyes and mouthed:


"You're graduating next week!"

"That's right! You guys are coming?"

"Harley might be busy, but Kurt will definitely make space for you! He's been dying to meet Jack anyway, wants to ask about his fencing techniques and whatnot."

"What about you?"

Cat silently begged Harley for help. Her friend only gave her a stern look as a reply.

"Have you told your mother?"

Kate sighed, unimpressed by her answer."She knows I'm graduating."

"But did you—"

"She can't come, Cat."


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