The Stark Expo.

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"I'm having a heart attack— I feel like I'm gonna puke over every person in assistance."

"There are a thousand people gathered out there, Junior, it's impossible for you to puke over all of them."

"You're not making it better."

"You'll be fine. Easy peasy."

"I've never spoken in front of so many people," Harley was squeezing the water bottle in his hands.

"You'll get over it."

Happy let her know they were ready.

"Going!" Cat said through the coms. "The way I see it, you worked your ass off to get a spot in Stark Industries, you got it, and this comes in the package. It couldn't be all perfect, right?"

Harley nodded. "Right."

"You're doing something important, and that's worth looking a little silly."

"You're just saying that 'cause you've never looked silly."

"I don't look it but we both know I'm a little dumb," she patted his shoulder. "Now go out there and charm your way into their hearts."

She fixed Harley's mic and his hair and sent him off. Cat teleported to the control tower that was facing the main stage of Stark Expo.

"Junior's in position," she said.

"Is Mouse surveilling the attendees?"

"Fleas are scanning the crowd, they haven't registered anything unusual."

When Pepper's video introducing the new member of Stark industries ended, the lights around the stage changed colors to give Harley a great entrance. Cat put on her goggles to protect her eyes. She wasn't wearing her suit, but she had M.O.U.S.E. in one ear and her goggles just in case. They looked funny paired up with her pressed suit, but no one made fun of her, the other guards were intimidated by her presence.

Harley smiled at the crowd, then began talking. 

"Welcome back! It's been eight years since the last Expo, and this is the first one without Tony. Today we gather, not only to continue his mission but to honor him the only way we know how to: by pushing into the next grand era in human history..."

"He's not bad," Cat grinned. "Is this live-streamed? Kurt and Kate wanted to watch."

"Live on national tv," Happy responded. "But Harley isn't aware or he'd passed out before we could even get him out of the car."

"Good call."

"I know you've heard of me," Harley continued, "I'll try not to disappoint. I shouldn't just stand here and talk, that's not something Tony would approve of, so instead, I present to you..."

Harley spent a whole hour up there showing the newest projects Stark Industries was working on. He wasn't a showoff like Tony, but he was charming once he was comfortable in the situation. When he was done, Cat teleported backstage and welcomed Harley with open arms, he hugged her.

"It was amazing!"

"Yeah, you were pretty good," Cat chuckled.

"I feel like I can lift a building with my bare hands!" He was flushed and energized. "I think I'm ready to date again!"

She burst out laughing. "Hang on, tiger. Pepper is waiting for you in the conference room. As for the dating... well, have fun."


"It's a room full of cameras, are you sure you wanna go in?"

Cat shrugged. "It's no biggy. I mean, the world knows about me, as long as they can't see my whole face..."

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