Zero's Last Mission.

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"It's simple," the guy, who introduced himself as Kazi, told her, "you stand there..." he pointed at the rooftop, "make sure no one comes after us."

Cat examined the earpiece he'd handed her and put it in her ear. "You're forgetting something."

Kazi gave her a thick envelope with money. "No mistakes or we'll take it back."

"You got it," she winked at him. "See you later. Hopefully not."


Cat sat on the ledge humming a song, she watched the men go inside the building, get the stuff, and go back to their truck. Far away from where she was, she caught a glimpse of Spider-man swinging across the city, she vaguely remembered patrolling with him for a few nights after moving into the Avengers tower.

It was funny, her time with Spider-man felt like a fever dream or a thing that'd happened a long, long time ago, but she'd worked with him last December, she remembered bits and pieces, she even had this crazy memory of him having two other heroes dress like him helping them out. He'd been a good friend at some point, she knew that much, but their paths had drifted apart.

He was a local hero, and there she was, a widely known agent but far from heroic. It should be noted that she was aware that the people she was helping weren't good. They had guns, and she hadn't seen the stuff they were transporting, but the less she knew the better, and at least it wasn't other people. 

Cat wanted the night to be over, this was a low blow from Valentina, and possibly Yelena. They wanted her to know what kind of people had been paying for her services all those months so she couldn't feel free of guilt.

Cat tensed with an abrupt sensation of familiarity and talked to the others. "Someone's approaching, hurry up."

"Distract them."

"I'm afraid distracting won't do," she felt like her head was spinning. "This guy is pretty good at tracking down."

"Who is it?"

"Daredevil," she said, and her heart squeezed at the name. "You must be real shitty if he's here for you..."

Kazi urged his men into the truck. Daredevil was half a street away, he threw his baton keeping the back curtain of the truck open, and she had no choice but to act. Cat teleported and unstuck the weapon, then closed the curtain slamming it down. 

She grabbed one of the guys on the truck and teleported him out, throwing him at the vigilante, she saw another guy run back to the truck's front and threw Daredevil's baton at his head, closing the door and muttering "Too slow". 

"That was our driver!"

"Shut up," she hissed.

Cat turned on the ignition, she'd never driven anything that big except one of Tony's jets one time when she was helping out Spider-man.

"Turn right!"

Cat wrung the steering wheel, the vehicle tilted and one part of it bent a street light, but she didn't stop. "God, I hope I didn't kill anybody..."

"Have you done this before?"

"I can drive," she said grumpily.

"Not what I asked," Kazi yelped.

"You paid me to get your stuff out of the island and that's what I'm doing!"

"We lost two men!"

"What you need to worry about is them giving Daredevil the name of your boss, cause I bet he's after one man only and that's the rich guy that decided to get involved in organized crime—"

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