Copycat and Hawkeye.

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The sun wasn't out yet, so she snuck to the roof. From above, she was able to find a good place where to keep watch. She wanted to know what Clint had done to piss off Maya. 

The other girl, whom Cat didn't know, was talking nonstop. Maya started to choke her, Cat was about to jump in and help when Clint set himself free and ran out. Kazi stayed behind and saw the girl bending down to bite the tape around her hands, he pointed a gun at her. 

"You're not going anywhere!"

Cat threw her baton to disarm him. "Are you sure about that?" She spoke from her place at the window.

He tried to recover the gun, and Cat teleported. She pulled the hood off her head, recovered her spear and pressed a button to extend it, placing one of the blades against Kazi's throat.

"If I were you, I'd get up very slowly," her voice came out muffled thanks to the mask, but it was still audible.

"Copycat!" The unknown girl gasped. "Oh my god!"

Cat glanced at her. "You still here? Run!"

The grey-eyed girl looked down at her hands and let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, I would but I actually don't know how..."

Cat rolled her eyes. "Pull you as hard as you can!"

She lifted her right hand and used the sonic repulsor in her smartwatch to push two of the men that had charged at her, Kazi rolled and kicked her, making her fall. He tried to recover his gun once more. Cat's heart was beating fast, she was more alive than ever, and in the mood to play with her prey. 

"Uh-uh-uh!" She caught him by the ankle and pierced his skin with her claws. "No guns allowed!"

Cat dragged him toward her, but the other two were back on their feet, she looked up and saw the girl still struggling to get rid of the tape.

"Is this your first day?" She snapped.

"Kind of," the girl huffed. "I'm Kate, by the way—"

Cat teleported in front of her, the men started to shoot but Cat's cape stopped all the bullets. She grabbed a hold of the tape around Kate's hands and tore it like it was paper. "I don't care."

A loud crash came from upstairs and Clint came out flying and landed in a ball pit. Kazi recovered the gun but Kate tackled him back to the ground, Cat used her sonic repulsor to throw the weapon away from his reach. She saw the new girl was handling Kazi pretty well and decided to help Clint.

Cat teleported to the edge of the ball pit and pushed one of the men inside. "The tracksuit mafia? Really? You're losing your touch—"

A hand emerged and stabbed a man's foot, missing hers by a few inches.

"Help me out," Clint panted. 

Cat pulled him out and he prepared more arrows, she threw her spear at a guy that had just entered the room and stuck him to a pillar by the shoulder. 

"At least she can fight," she nodded toward Kate.

"She's a spoiled girl," Clint replied, but something told her he wasn't listening. He shot a bunch of arrows at the same time. "Worse than you."

"I was many things but never spoiled!"

He stood back to back with her, moving forward as they cleared the path. "I can't hear what you're saying! Don't you dare make an old-man joke."

Cat covered her body to stop the bullets and then swirled the cape so the projectiles shot right back at the men.

"Nice! Tony made that?"

Copycat: Cryptomnesia -(Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now