Parallel Truths.

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Cat's tongue licked what she thought was a drop of sweat and got the metallic taste of blood, she spat it out right away.


"You knew the widow," Clint pointed out. "Care to tell me who she is?"

"Hey, I can hear you!" Cat brushed off the blood dripping from her eyebrow. "She was the other gorgon."

"Your partner was a black widow?" Clint looked up to the sky. "You gotta be kidding me... Was she looking for you?"

"She was here for you," Cat pressed the button on her earpiece so the mask covered her face, stopping more blood from getting into her mouth. "You saw her move Kate out of the way, she's never killed anyone she doesn't have to... unlike me."

Clint kicked the bullets that were sprawled on the floor. "Fantastic!"

"Let's just call it a night— you've been electrocuted, hit, and slapped— I'm bleeding for the first time in years and my ears are buzzing so can we just... go?"

"The Rolex," was the only thing he said back. 

"Kate got it. Whose Rolex is it?"

He shook his head. "Laura. Let's go back and think this through."

"We can't go to my apartment, the gorgon knows where I live."

"I know a place."

"Hey..." she called, "the widow knows where my ex-boyfriend lives, she probably won't go near him, but..."

He nodded. "Let me know if something happens."

"I will."


Cat knocked on the door. Yelena was talking loud enough so she could hear her.

"Stop with the formalities, don't waste our time!"

Cat teleported to the inside of Kate's apartment. "I didn't know this was a party!" She said cheerfully. "Hope you don't mind me crashing it."

Kate gave a reluctant step forward, and when Yelena didn't stop her she kept going. "Can we get her out of here? I'm—"

"Hey!" Yelena pointed at a casserole in the middle of the surface. "I made dinner! Don't kick me out!"

"Wha— you knew Cat was coming?"

"Of course, she's very predictable," Yelena shrugged. "Always trying to take home every stranger she finds—"

"Okay, I think it's time you see yourself out—"

"I'm not here to fight you," Yelena threw her head back groaning. "Can you bring your girlfriend over here so we can all talk?"

Cat grabbed Kate by the elbow and pushed her forward gently. The archer gave her a questioning look. "She'll get out of here soon, I promise."

"I would say you're a prince charming, but you would need to look cleaner," Yelena pointed at the blood on her face. Cat had changed into civilian clothes before showing up, but her hair was still silver and her eyes remained purple and feline.

"Are you okay?" Kate asked. "I'm sorry about the arrow, I didn't know you were sensitive to sound—"

"Me neither!" Yelena chuckled. "I also didn't know her cape was bulletproof, I thought she just liked looking stupid—"

"Get to the point."

"I'm not here to speak with you," Yelena turned her body in Kate's direction. "Hi. You're probably thinking 'what? This is crazy! I'm going to have dinner with the enemy? And she made some really good smelling macaroni.'"

Copycat: Cryptomnesia -(Marvel Fem!OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora