It's A Cycle.

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"You're really slow sometimes,"  Yelena said through the phone. "I said the Sokovia accords just got vetoed. You know what that means?"

"I don't have to work for the UN anymore," Cat said in a daze.

"I mean, you don't have to but you can't just stop answering calls. I imagine they'll have a process and they'll make it hard to complete."

"No I know, but I can resign and they can't do anything about it, right? They have super soldiers to spare, and I have enough money for a least another three months, so I can just... quit."

"If you want to," Yelena sounded deeply uninterest in this. "But you won't get your freedom as quickly as you think."

"I waited twelve years to be free, I can wait a few months more." Cat brushed her wet curls away from her face, her life was about to change again, but this time for the better. "Thank you for calling, I'll get back to you in a few days."

"Z, what are you gonna do, if not this?"

She shrugged. "Become a bodyguard?"

"That is ridiculous."

"It's better than who I am now," she sighed. "At least this way Matt won't be uncertain about us..."

"Quitting for a man? That's disgusting. You can't turn your back on who you are."

"Who am I, according to you?"

"No one," Yelena said matter-of-factly. "Without your suits and your powers, you're a ghost. You don't even have a name."

"That's not very nice, and untrue." Cat frowned, going back to her broody self. "You know what, this is none of your business, I hope you enjoy shooting at random dicks, but I'm done."

"Someone's cranky," Yelena replied with amusement. "Good luck with your boring life, Z. Hope that Matt is enough for you..."

"Hey, you should start to get dressed if we want to get there on time," Matthew walked into the room.

"I'm going," Cat looked over her shoulder with a smile.

"Ah... the boyfriend."

Matt tilted his head. "You're talking with Lena?"

The woman on the line scoffed, clearly 'Lena' wasn't the name she wanted him to use.

"I was about to hang up..." 

Matthew hugged Cat from behind and spoke to the phone. "Cat and I were about to head out so she needs to hang up, sorry."

"You must be Matthew,"  Yelena replied, sounding anything but happy.

"Nice to meet you," he kissed Cat's cheek. "Hurry."

"I'm going," she laughed after he poked her ribs.

Once he was away, Lena spoke very quietly. "If he's the reason why you don't want to continue, I would think twice before—"

"You don't know me," Cat's voice sounded less friendly, she was also talking quietly. "If I'm a ghost, throw a funeral and move on, will ya? Don't pretend you care, you just like that I make things easier."

"Doesn't mean I'm lying."

"I don't care."

Yelena raised her voice. "I wonder what Matthew would think if he knew you've been kil—"

Cat hung up. Matthew walked into the room hesitantly, she took a moment before facing him. He stepped forward. "What was that?"

"What do you mean?" She replied. "I just finished my call."

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