Back To Work.

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Cat had the irking suspicion that Clint's idea was not far from the truth, perhaps she needed to make up her mind for once and stay, without no one telling her what to do. She'd been a good hero once, she could be it again.

"Do you think that the tracksuits were after anything else at that auction?"

"I don't know, I was pretty focused on Jack and Armand..."

"It's pretty upsetting to think there might be stuff from the Avengers Compound floating around out there, don't ya think, Cat?"

She looked at him with surprise. "I don't know, there was a lot of Stark tech and suits... but uh... Most of the stuff was Steve's and mine. Everyone else lived out of the compound, remember?"

"I lived there for a while, and so did Lang."

"Oh yeah, Lang and his super ultra-secret weapons we never knew about," Cat scoffed. "I was on a mission last year, the only mission I had as an agent if we don't count Spider-man's fiasco in London, and I don't count that, obviously—"

"You went on a mission with Spider-man?" Kate asked. "That's awesome!"

"That's not the point," Cat brushed it aside. "We recovered most of the stuff, so maybe the Ronin suit was the remnant. If anything, it's been years, we can't do much."

"Maybe we can," Clint nudged Kate's shoulder. "You still think Jack is involved somehow?"

"Yes, there's too many coincidences! He was at the auction that night, and yesterday he offered me a butterscotch!"

Clint glanced at Cat with confusion. "Not exactly a crime..."

"When I tried to stab his face to prove he was lying, he parried like a pro."

"You tried to stab your mom's fiance?"

"It sounds like you're the murderer here," Cat said.

"No no, he has everything to gain from Armand's death," Kate insisted.

"The Jack thing is weird. I get it. But it's not exactly airtight."

"Right! Which is why we need more evidence!" Kate agreed. "And why we're gonna sneak into my mom's penthouse!"


"We can get into her company's files, Bishop Security has a huge criminal database! There's gotta be info on the tracksuits and Jack in there!"

Clint could only stare at her, but it was harder to render Cat speechless. "If I were the director of a company specializing in security, the first thing I'd do after meeting a guy would be to check his criminal records."

"You read my mind," Clint agreed. 

"Jack... What's his full name?"

"Jack Duquesne."

Cat laughed. "I know that guy! He's a puppy, Kate, you must be confused—"

"Don't be condescending, okay? I know what I'm talking about," the girl pouted. "Let's just try it my way once, and if it turns out you're right I promise I'll leave him alone. Happy?"

"Oh no, but I am amused," Cat winked at her.

Kate looked away, as upset as she was flustered.


"Holy shit! If your family turns out to be innocent, I know which Christmas party I'll be crashing!"

"Jeez, this is a home?" Clint stepped out of the elevator and looked around the Bishop's place.

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