The Hunter.

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"I need Kurt—"

"Wait, that guy trained you?" Bucky asked her. "You mean he was an agent too?"

"No. I'll handle him, okay?" Cat said, cold sweat coating her palms. "Later, grumpy." She hung up and looked at Harley in alarm. "So I'm quitting my job—"


She bolted out of his office, but Harley followed her down the hall.

"I gotta find Kurt— oh god, he saw where Kate lives!"

"What are you—"

"It was him!" She insisted. "I know it was!"

"Someone's following Kate? What are we gonna do?"

"No no, no 'us' until I see who the hunter—"


"If this is the same man that electrocuted a six-year-old and starved her for days inside a pitch-dark room, he won't hesitate to kill you. I'm not going to drag you into a situation I know you can't handle."

"What if it's just your memories playing tricks on you again—"

"Not with this," she said, trying to suppress a shiver. "I remember how it felt, how it looked... I won't expose you to that."

"So you won't expose me but you're okay calling Kurt?" He questioned in annoyance.

"I want to warn him, his weekend visits are over until I fix this," she grabbed her phone again, hands shaking. She held the item tighter. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, I'll do this myself."

Cat teleported before Harley could reply. She landed at the top of the Brooklyn bridge. 

"Mouse. I need you to look for Sergei..." she thought hard, the man didn't have the same lastname as Dmitri. "Dammit, I don't know his full name!"

"You have a picture?"

"You need one?" She scowled. "Isn't the whole point of you to find those for me?"

"Of course, I was only trying to make you feel useful," her A.I. retorted. "I need a full name to do that."

"Sergei," she repeated. "He's Dmitri Smerdyakov's half-brother— always so careful to point that out..."

"I have old articles from a newspaper in Russia from a couple of years back. There's a picture in one of them. Two boys of around twelve and ten outside what appears to be a circus tent."

"Can you work with that?"

"I can try."


Cat pressed the button on her watch to get her suit. She grabbed her cape from inside her satchel and put it on, pulling the hood over her head and trying to think. 

Her phone rang again. "Bucky, I told you—"


Kate's voice made her act. Cat teleported to the archer's apartment, but it was empty. The young woman swore, taking a guess as to where they were.


She teleported to the entrance of her own apartment.

"Mouse," she whispered. "I want you to start recording as soon as I enter."

"You got it."

She opened the door: Sergei, the man that tormented her and Kurt for years and forced them to fight until they couldn't stay standing. The man who'd suggested pouring acid in her brain as a way to neutralize her.

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