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"What's in your bag?"

Cat snatched the satchel out of Kate's hands. "You don't wanna see that."

"What is it?"

"Your head."

"What?" Kate tried to take the bag again, but Cat moved it out of reach. 

"Don't! I don't know how strong the spell is, better to leave it alone..."

"Oh! Before I forget..." the archer searched in her pocket: M.O.U.S.E. "You took it off and Sergei didn't bother to take it."

"You kept it!" Cat grabbed the earpiece and gaze at it with adoration. Sergei had taken her suit and her spear, but Tony's gift was still hers. 

"Mouse, give me a flea."

The A.I. dropped a miniature drone on her palm, she put it on the sole of her shoe.

"Grant access to Kate Bishop," she pointed the earpiece at the girl's face so it could scan her. "Say your name."

"Kate Bishop?"

"Access granted."

"Why can't I get access?" Peter asked in hurt. He was now in the backseat, wearing his mask.

"Because you have Edith, don't be greedy."

"So now what, you kill me?" Kate asked.

"We should wait for nighttime," Cat looked out the window. "So we don't get unwanted attention."

"And once that's done then what?"

"You track down the flea I have on," she explained. "You'll see where Russo's taking me every time I hand in my homework. Spider-man will be wearing my old suit— you know where the sonic grenades are?"

"Yeah I remember, you used one on me once," he huffed.

"Alright. You do that, and then you get the remote," Cat pointed at Kate. "And we free Kurt. Easy."

"What about you?"

"Oh, I'll release myself with Wanda's powers," she explained vaguely. "If that doesn't work Webs here can release me."

"Okay," Kate replied. 

Cat could feel Peter staring at the back of her head. "What?"

"What do we do about Russo and Sergei?" He questioned.

"They're mine," she said shortly.

Peter hummed, looking out the window. "They are your bad guys..."


"You're not coming to L.A. with me, are you?" Kate asked her as soon as Peter left them alone.

Cat avoided her eyes. "Do you really think now's the time to talk about this?"

"I might not know you as well as Spider-man does, but I can tell when you're avoiding a question."

"I'm not avoiding it."

"Then answer me."

Cat stopped what she was doing. 

"I can't leave. That city's the only home I've ever known— and I know I could be happy elsewhere," she added before Kate could. "But I don't want that. I refuse to be chased out of my city."

Kate stared at her hard. Her fist clenched around nothing. "You could be happy if you wanted to. I would love to be enough for you..."

The mutant approached her and held one of her hands.

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