Something Like A Hero.

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Cat stopped next to Clint and stared at the plaque in front of them.

"They should add Lang and me to that thing," she pointed out. "We were there too."

"Not in this timeline," he retorted. "How d'ya find me?"

"I followed the smell of decay and hair gel," she pulled out her phone. "Why do you have one of these if you're not gonna answer it?"

"I needed a moment alone."

"Well, you got it. And while you were here basking in self-pity, Kate got a surprise visit from the widow."

Clint looked at her worryingly. "Is she alright?"

"Yeah," Cat sighed. "Yelena just wanted to talk."

It took a second for Clint to process what she'd said. "Excuse me?"

Cat took off her sunglasses. "Nat's sister is trying to kill you."

"Dammit. Goddammit," Clint looked back at the plaque. "You worked alongside Nat's sister as a mercenary?"


"And you didn't think that was important to mention?"

"I didn't think it mattered," Cat frowned. "Not exactly something to brag about, is it?"

Clint turned around and started walking. "We gotta do something."

Cat put her sunglasses back on. "Like what?"

"I'll talk to Maya. You'll be my lookout."

"Is she expecting us?"

"She'll come to me."


"I'll be Ronin."

"Jesus, it's like you love getting punched in the face," Cat rolled her eyes.

Clint looked at her cut, it was healing quickly, but he could still see it. "How come blood grosses you out?"

Cat snorted. "That's random..."

"It's weird for a mercenary," he shrugged.

"Just because I've killed people I'm supposed to love it? You think I feast on corpses or what?" She scowled. "My mask is not for show, you know? Mouse acts like a filter, Tony knew I don't like to smell nor taste blood."

"Yeah, but Tony didn't think you'd use it to commit murder, did he?"

"All the people I've killed had it coming," she tilted her head. "Sometimes the torture got out of hand, I'll admit that, but they definitely are better off dead."

Clint shook his head. "You know why Tony and Nat signed the accords?"

"So they didn't go to jail?"

"The things you told Fury, about being trained to kill super people like Danvers, turned out to be a false tale, but it didn't mean it couldn't be true—"

"I know. I don't start things, I repeat them. How do you expect me to be good, when the universe has run out of kindness? "

"Copycat is who you are," he replied. "Doesn't have to be what you do."

"I don't play nice, I can't be a hero."

"You can't or you won't?" Clint raised a brow. "When we fought in the airport you managed to play by the rules Tony set for you. It seems to me you can be a hero, you're just failing on purpose."

"Well, you should take the hint already, don't you think? I do what I want, and I don't want to be an Avenger ever again."

"You're the one that keeps showing up when things go south," he shrugged. "Stop answering our calls, and maybe I'll believe you."

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