Birthday Surprise.

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Back in New York, Cat was showing a healthier skin color than in the past few months, but she was just as miserable. Perhaps even more.

One good thing at least was that she wasn't an Avenger, the danger of having their name dragged through the mud was not possible. She had to make sure no one could link Zero and Copycat together though, and that was proving to be more complicated than expected.

"Mouse, can you hack into a network without being noticed?"

"In theory, yes. But it would take a while."

"How long?"

"I might be able to give you a stat if you tell me exactly what you want."

"My S.H.I.E.L.D files erased from existence. Can you check if any copies have been made? On paper and online."

"It would take me a while to track down all the places that file's been. From there it depends on what comes out to tell you whether it's possible to erase it entirely or not."

"Get to it, then."


Harley would not believe her if she said she was happier, but he would also be sad to hear it hadn't done anything to cheer her up. The one thing he'd asked, she couldn't do it: to stay away from trouble. In her defense, trouble had walked up to her.

Her eyes landed on her phone, it used to be a picture of her and Matthew but after they broke up she figured it was time to get rid of it so she put Pietro. The young woman looked at it wishing it could speak.

"You always knew how to handle me, not even I know how to do that... and I'm supposed to be an adult!"

Cat stared at the screen, Pietro's smiling face was looking at her, he was full of life... back then she was too. She used to be able to see the good side of things, at least to find them amusing in their irony, but now...

Nothing could've changed her life for the better had she done it differently. How did she survive all those years with no hope in sight? All thanks to her brother, Harley, and Kurt, bless their hearts, always checking on her. Matthew wasn't out of the list, but his name had a question mark and it was starting to vanish.

Cat couldn't forget the way he'd acted the last time they spoke. She'd hurt him when all he'd tried to give her was home. "Home" was not a word she could recognize as a feeling. Matthew couldn't get to her. How can you tempt someone with something they don't know? You're supposed to give it, and then you take it away. That's how you win.

"But he wasn't trying to win, was he?" She asked at her brother's picture, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I thought he'd know... I wanted to stay..."


Cat put on her heart-shaped sunglasses and left the apartment with Sharon's envelope. She had no interest in seeing what was inside, the only thing she double-checked was the money.

She put on Pietro's old leather jacket, which was falling to pieces, and walked out of the building. It'd never been a big deal, but today was supposed to be her birthday. Cat tried to remember why on earth she'd celebrated her birthday last year. She could hear young voices if she focused for long enough, but that was it. A little frustrating and worrying.

She got to Steve's old bike and turned the ignition. "Mouse, give me an update."

"About your file or the world?"

"The world."

"There's been a sighting in Egypt of two new superheroes— a woman and a man. Few men died but they were part of some kind of cult."

"What about the giant thing that came out of the sea?"

"It's just a rock, hasn't changed since it came out."

She turned right at the end of a street, barely missing an old lady. "Tell me the updates on my files, then."

"Power broker's system is strong."

"Can't go faster?"

"Not if you want me to go unnoticed. Should I remind you there is a possibility Sharon has printed a copy of your file?"

Cat drove faster. "I'll take care of it if I need to."



"You missed your stop."

She pulled the brakes abruptly, making a rubber mark on the pavement. "Fuck!" The mutant parked next to the sidewalk. "You could've let me know sooner..."

"I'll do it next time."

Cat approached the restaurant and tried to determine if it was a good idea to take off her sunglasses. She decided it was not. The host watched her appearance with apprehension. 

"Is Mr... Jigsaw here?" A security guard approached her, she eyed him with disinterest. "You don't look like a 'Mr.' to me."

"Give us a minute, ma'am," the host said, glancing at the envelope in her hand before walking away.

A minute later he was back, she felt the security guard following her tail and she smirked, she could've taken care of the guard if she wanted to, but she wasn't there to fight. When she got to the table the older men looked at her with loads of interest. Horror washed over Cat at the sight: Billy Russo was there.

"You're one of the gorgons," she couldn't deny he was still handsome, but there was a clear difference in his face: it was covered in deep scars. "Where's your other half?"

"I'm not missing any parts," she replied, but it came out quieter than expected. To make up for it, she added: "Unlike others."

Two of the men moved but Billy raised a hand to stop them. "We have to make allowances with a lady like her," he tilted his head. "Are you here to get rid of me?"

"If I were here to kill you I would've done it by now," she threw the envelope on the table. "They have a message for you."

Billy grabbed the papers. "I'm listening."

"You can't go back to Madripoor unless you get your shit together," she seized a man's drink and sniffed it a little. "They'll send someone worse next time. I'm reasonable, you don't wanna be stuck with him, he's the bad kind of hugger."

Russo watched her down the guard's drink without making a single comment, she poured the remaining droplets on the other guard's crotch and placed it back on the circular table. This had been a warning for her as much as it was for Russo. Sharon could give away Copycat's identity to the guy that wanted her dead the most.

"I have a question," Russo said at last. "Do you work for the Power Broker?"

"I work with the Power broker sometimes. But mostly for myself, and occasionally, my cat."

"What's your name? I doubt you chose the name Gorgon."

The woman sighed deeply, she managed to sound bored. "I don't care how any of you pathetic rich guys call me as long as you pay. Zero's good enough."

Billy raised his glass and winked at her. "Zero."

"See you never, if you're lucky," she smiled, briefly waving at him in a flirty manner before exiting the place.

By the time she climbed on her bike, Cat decided to quit working for these people no matter how petty she felt, would rather eat her own foot before helping any of Russo's friends.

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