Turning Point.

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She'd reached rock bottom and she could not fall any further. The so-called best Avenger the world would never meet, unemployed and working for half-assed mobsters and fraudulent governments.

No one could get her out of the massive hole she'd dug, but at least now that she'd reached her limit, Cat doubted things could get any worse. November ended, and M.O.U.S.E. was still trying to get a hold of her files.

Harley was working as an intern at Stark industries, Pepper liked him and he'd proved to be an extraordinary addition to the company. Life was so incredibly monotonous for a while, so much so that when Clint Barton called her, she thought it was a scam.


"Very funny," he replied. "I don't have much time so can you please not interrupt me?"

"Since when do you have my number?"

"You've had the same number since you were sixteen, pretty sure everyone has you on speed dial."

"Pretty damn rude of them to never call, then," she taunted him.

"I need intel," he ignored her. "I'm trying to contact the tracksuit mafia."

She chortled. "They're dumber than your little pinky! Why on earth would a guy like you contact them?"

"You seen the news?"

" If I need to know anything, my assistant tells me about it."

"The Ronin was seen in New York."

"You're in New York?"

"No. A kid stole my suit at an auction—"

"What? I thought those were over!"

"You didn't do your job, did you?"

"You're not doing a good job at convincing me either," she scowled. "Scratch that, I don't want to be convinced. Whatever you're asking, forget about it. I'm not an Avenger and I'm not your buddy."


"Nah-ah! I'm out. I'm tired of you heroes—"

"This kid is at risk if we don't do something—"

"How old are they?"

"About your age."

"They're old enough to take responsibility for their dumbass actions. Stealing the Ronin suit, really," Cat scoffed. "Don't they know he's like a death magnet?"

"My kids could lose their father, Cat."

She moved the phone away from her ear and muttered a bad word. Her soft spot had always been children. "You should've thought twice before having them, don't you think? Agents are always dying."

"I really don't have time to listen to a crybaby lecture me about my life choices as if she knew better. Just give me their contact."

"How do you know I have it?"

"You've been making some questionable friendships for a whole year, and a lot of people in S.H.I.E.L.D. still got their eyes on you."

The information made her angrier. "Get your intel from someone else."

"I have no one else."

She hesitated. "What?"

"You should know," he sighed. "There's no one left."

"There's double the amount. You heard Bruce's cousin is a hulk now too?"

"You know what I mean," Cat knew what he meant. "We had this in common, Cat. We wanted others to pay and we called it justice. I made a mistake, and that mistake is back to bite me in the ass. Who's to say yours won't come back later? And who will help you if that happens?"

The young woman squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can't do this. I'll give you their contact but leave me out of it."


She sent him the info. "You're lucky I didn't delete it. Those assholes cost me a partner."

"You broke up with Spider-man?" He asked in surprise.

"The hell are you talking about?" A flash of something went through her head. Familiarity. "You got what you wanted, now leave me alone."

"One last thing," he added. "If I don't call you by midnight, come for me."

"I said—"

"I promised my kids I'd be back for Christmas."

"Oh, fuck off," she groaned. "Now you're just taking advantage of me."

"You have a chance to turn your life around, Heathen. A single act could exonerate you."

"Doubt it. I've done more than just 'messing up', I am the whole problem."

"If I report back, case closed. You can tell yourself you're better off alone. But if I don't call, you'll have to be more than just mad... or you could stay as mediocre as you've proven to be, that's up to you."

"Did Steve take a course on speeches? Everyone else is so shitty at it..."

"You're a pain in the ass but I always thought you had something special in you."

"Ew." She replied, not very flattered. "I hope you don't step on anything slippery, the hip surgeries are expensive these days, and you'll leave Nathaniel out of college."

The man sighed. "Talk to you later."


"Mouse," Cat tried to sound casual, but her eyes kept glancing at the phone on her counter. "Give me the time."

"Three A.M."

"That's way past the hour Clint said he'd call..."

"Three hours late, to be precise."

She stared out her window, then shook her head and walked to the bathroom. The mutant faced her mirror with a frightened gaze, if she did this, it would mean taking a step back. She wasn't sure she was strong enough to handle all the disappointment that ensued.

"I'm not a hero," she told herself. "Snap out of it!"



"I've got full access to the Power Broker's cloud. I need your confirmation to start deleting—"

"Delete the files!" Cat's slitted pupils widened.


"Also..." a look of determination settled on her face, things could only go up from here, right? "Send a flea to the tracksuits. I should make sure he's not dead."

"Sending the flea."

The miniature drone left the apartment. Cat washed her face, and went back to her bedroom.

M.O.U.S.E. reported back."All files have been deleted. Barton is alive but he's being held hostage. A young woman is with him."

"Give me visuals."

The A.I. projected the scene from its place: Clint and a girl she didn't know were both tied to mechanical rides for children.

She sank down on the mattress defeatedly. She grabbed her phone to look at the time and saw Pietro's face once more. The image pulled her heartstrings and made her frown. "I wanted to end this... you brought him to me, didn't you?"

Cat walked up to her closet, dragged out a box hidden at the very back, and from it, she pulled out her spear, a cape, and a smartwatch.

"At least I get to see Clint riding a unicorn..."

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