The Widow.

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"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

"Gladly," Clint smiled at her. "I said you're going with Kate to get my trick arrows."


"Non-negotiable, you said you'd help and this is what you'll do."

"Bet you'll feel pretty stupid if you get killed while I'm away."

"Anything's better than having to listen to the both of you for another hour."


"What did you say?"

"I don't like cops."

Kate stared at her with her mouth wide open. "You're an Avenger!"

"I'm not."

"But last night—"

"Don't bring that up," Cat scolded her. "Even as an Avenger the others always gave me the task to beat up security 'cause I enjoy it. They're my sworn enemies, so I'm sorry princess, but you gotta do this one for me."

"Don't sweet talk me," she grumbled. 


Kate pressed her lips together and walked away from her in the direction of the larpers, Cat watched her go with a smirk.


Clint came back to a full house, he gave Cat a questioning look and she shrugged, pushing her sunglasses up her nose.

"I could've gotten those arrows without all the fuss, but Kate got carried away."

"I'm trying to stop you two from getting killed and this is what you do? I'm not getting arrested a second time!"

Cat frowned. "Well, I've never been arrested."

"You will if you don't pay for your speed tickets."

"It should be illegal to put those in things that aren't cars," she scoffed.

Kate announced she'd made a deal with the larpers, they were going to make new suits for her and Clint. Cat was eager to see them, imagining their flashy armors with shoulder pads.


"This would have been easier if we were on a higher rooftop."

"How would a higher rooftop help?" Cat questioned from her place opposite theirs.

Clint gave them a lecture about why the place he'd chosen was the best spot and Cat watched as Kate left him standing there.

"She's on the street, old man."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" He complained.

"You were so into your speech, I didn't dare to cut it short."

"Funny. Kate, you're supposed to be lookout."

"Yeah, but of the two of us, who do you trust up there not to get distracted? You're really gonna leave me alone with Cat?"

"I'm on the opposite rooftop!"

"You can teleport, though. I know you were thinking about it."

"Hey, you two, it's not fair," Clint scolded them, "that your inability to act like grown-ups helps you get your way."

Kate chuckled. "No, it's not. But it is what it is."

Clint heaved a sigh. "I need you to use your grappling hook arrow to anchor yourself in..."

He threw a few pointers that Kate ignored, entering the building in her own way and getting to the apartment in no time. Cat lay on the edge of the rooftop and looked up at the sky while listening to the archers.

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