chapter 27- i love you, cupcake

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Shawns pov

"There you are!" Corry yelled as I walked into the school's office.

"Sorry Cor, I had to wait 15 minutes for the next subway over here."

"She's in there." Cory pointed to the nurses room.

"Thanks." I said and hurried past him to get to my daughter. I opened the door and saw her sitting on one of the beds. Her knees were to her chest and her head was tucked into them.

"Hey , Nessa." I called out to her, but she didn't look up. I went over to sit next to her.

"How about we get you home? I can whip up some pancakes and we can put on a movie." She still didn't acknowledge me.

"Come on," I put my hands under her armpits and helped her stand up. She followed my direction and we walked out of the nurses office. I said goodbye to Cory and we started walking to the bus station.

Time skip- home

We got home and Vanessa walked straight to her room. I grabbed her bottle of pills and a glass of water and followed her.

"Cupcake, you need to take your pills."


"What do you mean no?"

"I looked them up. I'm not just making it up for fun. The side effects are euphoria, fever, general feeling of discomfort, headache, hyperventilation, irregular heartbeats, irritability, dad. This is it! It's making me crazy!" She yelled while smacking her head.

"Vanessa, you have been on them for 24 hours."

"No. Dad, it dosen't matter. Okay? They're poison. They are toxic."

"Just take the pills, okay." I said, trying to stay calm.

"You want me to die?"

"Tale the pills for me. Do it for your father. Take the god damn pills!" I started to yell. "Give them a chance to work. Please!"

She threw open the cap and put one of the pills and her mouth. She brought the water up to her mouth and swallowed the pill. I took the glass and pill bottle and went to leave her room.

"You know what?" She asked when I got to the door way. "I've always wanted to be buried right next to a tree. Once I die, can you do that for me?"

In that one single moment, I hated her. I hated her for using my one fear against me. The only fear that any parent has. Losing their child.

The difference between me and other parents is that I'm watching my child die right in front of my eyes. She's losing parts of herself and eventually there's gonna be none of her left.

I looked back at her with tears brimming my eyes. She's under her covers with her back towards me.

"I love you, cupcake."

Matthews Apartment

"As much as I hate to say it Shawn, maybe she is drinking to much." Topanga said.

After leaving Vanessa's room I went over to the Mathews apartment to talk to Cory and Topanga.

"No. I refuse to believe that."

"Shawn," Cory started.

"No! No. This is my daughter we are talking about. I'm not here for this bullshit. You've known Vanessa for eight years and you're telling me you think she has a drinking problem. My daughter is in trouble and I'm exhausted. I need your help." I begged.

"Okay. We can have that sleepover we talked about before. You can get some rest and we can keep an eye on her."

"Thank you, Topanga."

"And we will get to the bottom of this, Shawn." Cory said.

"It's intense, Cor. It's really scary. You need to be prepared." Cory and Topanga both nodded.

Time skip- 3rd pov

"Riley! Auggie! Family meeting in the living room!" Cory yelled to his kids. He and Topanga were sitting on the couch when they walked in.

"What's up, daddy?" Auggie asked.

"Come sit down We need to have a talk." Topanga told the two childeren.

"If this is about who ate the last piece of pizza, it was definitely not me!" Auggie yelled.

Cory laughed. "No, Auggie. We need to talk about Vanessa." He glances over to Riley and saw a frown fall on her face. She's still scared after the incident that happened in the classroom. It has left her unusually quite.

"What's wrong with Ness?" Auggie quistioned.

"Vanessa has been feeling a little sick lately and Uncle Shawn is getting tired taking care of her so we're gonna watch over her tonight." Topanga told him while pulling the little boy onto her lap.

"Is she gonna be okay."

"Yeah, bud." Cory replied. She's gonna be okay."

Then they heard a knock on the door. Cory got up to get it. When he opened the door he found Shawn and Vanessa standing there. Nessa had a bag around her shoulder and was squeezing a pillow to her chest. Her hair was untamed and she had dark circles jnder her eyes.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Cor." Shawn responded. He led Vanessa in.

"How about you take Nessa to your room, Riley." Topanga suggested. Riley nodded and gestured at Vanessa to follow her. She did, and they both left the room.

Shawn sighed. "Thanks again for letting her stay here."

"Of course, Shawn." Said Topanga. "Now go home and get some sleep."

"Oh, I will." I'll pick her up after work tomorrow."

"Sounds good. See ya tomorrow Shawnie." Cory said and hugged Shawn.

Shawn gave him a pat on the back. "See ya tomorrow Cor."

And with that, Shawn went back to his apartment and even though it was only 6 o'clock, he climbed right into bed and fell asleep.

*979 words*

It's been 3 months. That's kind of embarrassing no lie. But, i checked and we're at 34.2k reads and that made me want to write for you. There's still a lot left to go go down in this story so I hope you stick with me!

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