chapter 31- she needs all of us

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3rd pov

Vanessa couldn't stay in the hospital anymore. She decided to make a run for it.

Vanessa slowly got out of her bed and tiptoed over to the open door. She peaked her head out and didn't see any nurses. Vanessa decided to go to her left where she saw a big white door. She opened it and it led to another hallway.

"She's running!" A nurse yelled from behind her.

Vanessa turned around and gasped loudly. She picked ip her speed and ran away from the group of nurses and security guards that began to follow her.

She heard a loud ringing in her ear as she was grabbed by one of the security guards. She let out a loud yell as the other one grabbed her and they lifted her up.

The nurses followed behind them as the guards carried her to a new room. She yelled and thrashed around in their arms until they finally laid her down on a bed. They gave her a shot that knocked her out completely.

When Vanessa woke up a couple hours later she tried to raise her hand. She found herself restrained at the wrists and ankles. She yelled for help and began to thrash around again.

A couple of nurses fled into the room, however Vanessa was too busy yelling to notice.

Shawn's pov

I was sitting outside of another doctors office with my head in my hands.

I haven't slept more than 2 hours at a time in weeks and I'm exhausted, but I need to figure out what is happening to my daughter.

"I brought you some coffee." A women says while putting her hand on my shoulder. I look up and it's Katy with a Starbucks cup in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while standing up to give her a hug.

"I thought you would need some support." She said while placing the cup in my hands.

"Thanks." I said while looking down sadly. Even though I love Katy I don't think anything can cheer me up right now.

"Hey." She says gently as her hand reaches up to my face and lifts my chin up. "We will get through this together." I smile gently and give her a small peck on the lips.

"Mr. Hunter?" A female doctor comes out of the office.

"Yes." I replied.

"I'm Dr. Emily Prentiss. It's nice to meet you."

"Ah yes. I'm Shawn and this is my fiancé Katy." I love calling her that. I proposed to Katy a couple months ago after asking Vanessa and Maya for their permission. They both were ecstatic and happily agreed as long as Maya was the maid of honor and Vanessa was the best man. I still haven't told Cory about that yet because I know how much he's gonna cry over that.

Our wedding is in six months but I don't even know if its gonna happen now. Of course I want to marry Katy, but I don't know if I would be able to without my daughter by my side.

Katy grabbed my hand as we walked into the office. We sat in the chairs opposite of Dr. Prentiss with our hands still connected.

"I can assume two possible diagnoses." The Dr. said getting straight to the point. "First. Presentation of schizophrenia. The other postictal psychosis. Now she is clearly psychotic, but the question is, where is the psychotic behavior coming from?"

Dr. Prentiss leaned forward and placed her elbows on the desk with hands tied together. "I'm gonna prescribe Haloperidol. It should sedate her so that we can do some further testing. However, if her behavior doesn't improve I think we should look at hospitals that are better-equipped to deal with her problems."

"No, no. No. My daughter is not going into a psych ward." I used my free hand to rub my eyes. "How do you explain the seizures? How do you explain that she has never been like this before in her life. How... how can you just arrive at this conclusion without  all of the facts?"

"Dr. Prentiss," Katy starts. She looks over at me for approval to speak. I nod. She may not be Vanessa's parent, but she hopefully soon will be. I know how much she cares about Vanessa and I trust her to say the right things.

"why don't you do that further testing before you threaten us with psychiatric hospitals?" She says in her authoritative mom voice. 

Dr. Prentiss looks down at her papers and sighs. I can tell she is trying to find a plausible diagnosis, but she isn't working hard enough. I want my daughter safely at home and I will yell at whatever doctors I need to do it. Nobody is going to stop me from getting my daughter back.

3rd pov

Lucas was sitting on the floor outside of Vanessa's door with his headphones in. He was listening to a soundtrack that  Vanessa made for him over the summer. The soundtrack has a bunch of songs that reminded her of moments in their friendship. One of his favorite memories is lying on the floor next to her and listening to her ramble on and on for hours going through every song and explaining why she choose it.

The song he was listening to was coming to an end as he saw Shawn and Katy walking over. He pulled out his headphones and stood up.

"Well?" He asked.

Katy shook her head. "They have nothing."

"Nothing? It's been week. They have to have something."

"They don't know. Everyone is giving a different diagnosis. One is saying bipolar, the next one is saying schizophrenic, then their saying psychotic. I don't know." Shawn said with his arms crossed.

"What does that even mean?" Lucas asks.

"It means nobody knows what the hell is going on." Katy says while sympathetically looking at Shawn.

"She is not psychotic. Whatever this is, it's not that." Shawn says.

"I agree, I think it's just the most... convenient explanation for them. So we need to continue putting pressure on the so they continue to investigate. Okay? It's important."

Shawn nods at Katy's reply. "Yeah. Pressure." He mutters.

"I just want you both to know that I plan on being here every day until they figure out what's wrong. I want to be with her and she needs all of us." Lucas tells them. Shawn sighs and gives Lucas a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks, Lucas"

"Exuse me." A nurse says while pushing a hospital bed around them. The trio looked over and saw a sheet over the patients head. They immediately turned away after relizing it was a dead body. A wave of sickness ran through Shawn.

"I'm gonna go grab some water. Anybody want one?" Lucas nods and Katy tells him she will go with them.

As they walk away Lucas slides back onto his spot on the floor. He pushes play on the next song and lets the music flood into this ears.

*1266 words*

I thought since I haven't posted in four months I should give you a long chapter! Also I definitely should have included Katy in earlier chapters because she literally just popped out of nowhere. But I'm happy I added her in because she's gonna give us some good Shawn angst.

I also can't get over how we are almost at 60k reads!!! Im incredibly thankful for everyone who comes back to read after months of me not posting and also to my new readers! Thank you so much!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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