chapter 30- all of 'em

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3rd pov

"Please, Shawn. I gotta see her." Lucas begged Shawn outside of Vanessa's Hospital room.

"Fine." Shawn relented. "But, please be carful with her. It's getting really bad."

"Yes, sir" Lucas said and immediately rushed over to the open door.

He looked inside of the hospital room and saw Vannessa lying on the bed with her back facing the door.

Lucas tapped his knuckles against the frame of the door to alert Vanessa of his presence. The girl didn't even flinch. She just continued to lie there with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"Vanessa," Lucas said softly incase the girl was sleeping. "Can I come in?" Once again, Vanessa didn't answer.

Lucas walked over to the bed and looked down at Vanessa. She was staring at the wall with unshed tears in her eyes.

"Oh, princess..." Lucas trailed off. He lifted up the covers and slid into the bed next to her. His chest was pressed against her back. He wrapped an arm around her stomach and dug his head into her neck.

"Hey. Talk to me Vanessa. Please." Lucas begged. A tear ran down Vanessa's cheek and Lucas used his finger to wipe it off.

"I'm... I'm scared. "She whispered. "God, Lucas. I feel like everyone here is just... talking about me. I need you. I need you." More tears began to run down her face.

Lucas ran his fingers through her hair. "Hey. Hey, listen to me. We're going to get to the bottom of this. And we're gonna get through this together."


"Really. I promise." Lucas raised his head and placed a kiss onto the top of her head.

As Vanessa fell asleep, Lucas cuddled into her. All he could think about was how much he loved Vanessa and couldn't bear to lose her.


A couple hours later, Vanessa was sitting in a wheelchair placed in another doctor's office.

The man in front of her introduced himself as Dr. Reid. He was caucasian and had shoulder-length brown hair. Vanessa thought that he looked much to young to be a doctor, but Reid explained to her that he has an IQ of 187 and could read 20,000 words per minute. She assumed this helped him get through medical school much faster than other doctors.

After introductions were done, Vanessa saw no point in dragging on the conversation, so she got right to it.

"I have multiple personality disorder." She said, simply.

"Have you been diagnosed by any psychiatrist or psychologist?" Dr. Reid asked her as he looked at the files and notes in his hand.

"No. I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist with bipolar disorder, but not multiple personality."

"And were you taking any medication for that?"

"No. They tried to, but I refused to take it. I spit it out."

Vanessa leaned towards the Dr. and whispered, "Dr. Reid, I need to get outta here. It's not safe for me here anymore."

Reid furrowed his eyebrows. "Why is it not safe for you here?" He asked.

"They're talking about me." Vanessa heard muffled whispers coming through the door. "All of 'em." She rubbed her eyes before cradling her head with her hands. "I can hear ' em.... the nurses. They're talking about me. And I can hear their thoughts." Vanessa lifted her head out of her hands.

"You can hear their thoughts?" Dr. Reid repeated her. She leaned back in her chair and began to smile.

"You know, they think I can't hear 'em, but I do. I hear 'em loud and clear." Reid sighed looked down at his papers again.

"I don't wanna talk to you anymore." Vanessa said and wheeled herself out of the room.

Dr. Reid sighed. He had never seen anything like this before. He new it was going to be a long and hard journey, but he would do anything to make sure the girl would be healthy again.

*707 words*
Short little chapter, but there was a cute little Vanessa amd Lucas moment.

I'd like to say thank you to ernestinab12 for commenting on my last chapter. Dr. Reid will be one of the main doctors in the rest of the book, so I hope you like the character!

𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒆Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt