chapter 28- lasagna

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Riley's pov

Vanessa sat on my bed and I sat on the bay window. I patted the spot next to me, gesturing for her to come over. She sighed and sat beside me.

"So..." I started. "How are you feeling?"

She shrugged in return.

"Do you feel sick right now?"

She shrugged again and dug her face into the pillow she was still holding.

"Nessa, are you okay?" I asked laying my hand on her shoulder. She started to cry into her pillow and shook her head no.

"Aww, Nessa. Come here." I pulled her into a hug.

"I promise you that whatever happens, I'll be right by your side. Just like I always have."

"Thanks, sunshine." She whispered quietly into my shoulder. I gave her a little squeeze.

"Girls! Time for dinner." My dad yelled. Nessa pulled away from the hug to wipe the tears off of her face. We both got up and walked into the kitchen.

3rd pov

"I made lasagna tonight." Topanga said.

"Yummy! Lasagna!" Auggie yelled.

Riley and Vanessa walked into the room. Riley went straight to her spot at the table, but Vanessa headed towards the counter were Topanga getting drinks for the family.

"Do you want water or juice, Nessa?" Topanga asked.

Vanessa stared at her blankly for a couple of seconds before she finally said, "Water."

"Why don't you go ahead and take a seat." Topanga suggested. Vanessa stared at the table before she walked over and sat next to Riley on the bench. Cory was next to her, at the head of the table, Topanga sat down across from her, and Auggie sat next to Topanga.

"Want some bread?" Cory offered her a plate with slices of bread on it. Vanessa didn't respond, so he sat a piece on her plate and one on his before he passed the plate to Topanga.

After the food was passed out everybody started eating except for Vanessa. A high pitched ringing started playing in her ear and Cory's chewing began to echo loudly in her mind. She rubbed her hands on her face aggressively.

"Oh my god. Stop." She told Cory. He looked up at her, confusedly. "Just stop chewing."

"Are you gonna eat, Nessa?" He asked while ignoring her. "I thought you liked lasagna. Aunt Topanga put in a lot of effort to make this for you." Vanessa breathed in deeply.

After a second, she picked up her fork and cut into the lasagna. However, before she put it into her mouth; she looked up.

"What did you just say to me?" She asked Topanga.

Topanga looked at her, confused. "Oh, Vanessa. I didn't say anything."

"Vanessa she said nothing to you." Cory reassured her.

"No. No. Right there. Right there you did it again!" She started to yell while she stood up. "You just called me a spoiled brat."

"No. Vanessa I—" Topanga started.

"You just said it." Vanessa pointed an accusing finger at Topanga. "You just said it again!"

"I didn't say anything."

"Vanessa," Cory interupted.

"She said it!" Vanessa yelled and slammed a fist on the table. Auggie leaned into Topanga and Riley slid down the bench, further from Vanessa.

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