chapter 29- is that an excuse?

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Riley's pov

I told her I would always be there for. But, I wasn't. I ran out of the room. I listened from far away as she was losing her mind. I'm a bad friend.

Aren't I?

I was scared, but is that an excuse?

She made me bleed, but is that an excuse?

I have such amazing friends around me that are lucky to be in good health. I haven't experienced anything like this before. Is that an excuse?

I don't know. I don't really know anything anymore.

3rd pov

"Look. Her EEG is completely normal. Her MRI is normal. Her neurlogical exam is normal. Her blood work is all normal. It's all clear. It's all normal."

Shawn Hunter decided to let Vanessa get some sleep, so the next day he sat in Dr. Bernard's office once again. Vanessa was sitting outside figiting with her shoe laces.

"She's drinking too much and she's exhibiting the classic signs of alcohol withdrawal." The Dr. sighed. "I know this is hard to hear about your daughter. She needs to take her medication, stop partying, and get some mental rest."

"I threw all of my beer out. I checked her entire room. There's not a drip of alcohol in that damn apartment. I've been sleeping in the living room. I would know if she has left the house to party.

Now I have been known to enjoy a couple beers in my day, and all I experienced was a bad hangover.

Alcohol withdrawal? Are you kidding me?

Do you really think I'm gonna believe that?"

Shawn leaned in. "She needs to be hospitalized. Now. Not tomorrow. Today. Now. And I am not leaving here until we have a hospital bed we can put our daughter into. So go ahead, call the police. I have nothing to lose."

Room 307- Hospital

Vanessa was dressed in a hospital gown she laid on an uncomfortable bed. There was a camera on the wall opisite of her, recording her evaluation, and a tv to the right of it. A random new channel was turned on talking about a recent robbery.

There was a nurse to the left of Vanessa and amiddle aged male doctor walked through the door.

"Good Morning, Vanessa. I'm Dr. Rogers." He introduced himself.

"How are you today?" He asked, but did not get a response.

"Would you sit up for me, Vanessa?" She obeyed and started to slowly sit up.

She listened to the news broadcast and frowned when she heard it.

"...unconfirmed reports from the hospital where Vanessa Hunter was admitted," The reporter spoke. "with underlying mental health issues..."

"Great. Thank you. How are you feeling?" Dr. Rogers asked.

" just really want to say to this girl, Vanessa, get some help. What is wrong with you? Your family is falling apart." The reporter continued.

"You got to get me out of here." You whispered, so low that Dr. Rogers could  barely hear her. "I don't belong here. And their all saying bad stuff about me."

𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now