Chapter 17

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Lila POV

The day of his surrender was upon us. I packed a few changes of clothes just in case this lasted longer than a day.

Our flight was at six in the morning. We wanted to be there early but not too early in case they separated us.

We were flying first class and necking like a couple of teenagers. We turned down all the services just trying to focus on each other.

"I don't know what's going to happen here, Lila. The King is notoriously unpredictable. I once heard he defenestrated a guy for looking at the Queen," I said.

"What's that?" I ask.

"That's when you throw someone out a window to their death," he says.

"He's done it on several occasions," the man across the aisle pipes in. "I witnessed three personally. You must be the mate thief.

I looked at him suspiciously. "And you are?" I ask.

"Mitch Conley. I'm on the council," he said.

Now we can't speak freely. "I'm Lila Daniels and he's Killian Monroe.

"I know who you are," he says. " Personally, I feel this is a waste of time, but the King will do as he does. Try to keep your feet on the ground."

"Thanks," Killian says.

Me: I'm starting to get nervous. What if he throws you out a window.

Killian: You'll be taken care of. I made sure of it.

Me: But I don't want to do this without you.

Killian: Stop talking like that. You're not going to have to.

Me: I just love you so much in such a short amount of time. This is not fair. We have a baby on the way.

I start to panic again. As I start to hyperventilate, Killian pushes my head down. He rubs my back and I slowly start to feel better.

The flight attendant comes over and offers me some alcohol to soothe my nerves thinking the flight caused my panic.

"No thank you. I can't have alcohol," I say.

She walks away and returns with a hot towel. Killian takes it and begins rubbing my face and neck with it. It feels so good that I relax more.

Killian: Just remember not to say anything they could take offense to. Be on your guard. I have filled in our representatives on everything so far. Trust them.

Me: I don't know about them but I will trust you.

Killian: I love you so much. Don't ever forget it.

Me: Never.

We started kissing again when he suggests joining the mile high club. We go to the bathroom and handle our business. As we return to our seats, Mitch is sitting there clapping. "Great show," he says as we sit down.

I am so embarrassed but Killian has a smile on his face. Our plane starts to descend and we buckle our seatbelts. I go back to kissing Killian so I don't freak out.

After we collect our bag, we make it over to the taxis. We find one that has the King 's coat of arms and choose that one. It's a forty minute drive to the Palace which is really a huge mansion.

As we get out of the car, Killian is immediately detained and taken away from me. I am escorted to a large bedroom on the second floor. Food is waiting for me but I am not hungry. I eat for the baby.

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