Chapter 1.

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‘’Rafa! Fabs!’’ I screamed as my two older twin brothers came charging towards me in the middle of the airport arrivals terminal. I engulfed them into my grasp and both pairs of arms wrapped round me. I smiled to myself, finally being able to have fun with my brothers like we used to. Us three were always the mischief makers of our little village. We pulled pranks and tricked people all the time. It was our thing though. Every time someone got pranked my us, all fingers were pointed to us three. We never got into any trouble though. Everybody loves us because we were all so cute.

‘’Arianna, how was your flight?’’ Fabs said whilst kissing my cheek and grabbing my suitcase for me

‘’Well, the flight itself wasn’t too bad, it was just the fact that I had a snoring old man next to me and a kid crushing Watsits on my head behind me’’ I rolled my eyes and they both laughed at the same time. Well, what do you expect? They are twins!

‘’Sounds like fun!’’ Rafa kissed my cheek this time and slung his arm round my shoulders as we exited the airport out into the Manchester lifestyle. It was a lot different to Brazil, where we are all from. The weather is much worse here but the accents are so cute!

‘’Oh it was, you should try being on a long flight with babies screaming all around you!’’ I joked and we all shared a laugh.

‘’I’ll pass’’ they said simultaneously. We made our way out of the automatic doors and out into broad daylight of Manchester. The twins directed me to a black Porsche. I jumped in the front passenger seat and Fabs sat in the back after he put my case in the boot for me.

‘’So I’m guessing this is your car then Rafa?’’ I asked him whilst he put the key in the ignition.

‘’Yep, all mine. Fabs has the same car but in red’’ he explained whilst pulling out of the car park. I turned my head to the back of the car and raised my eyebrow at Fabs.

‘’Really Fabs? The exact same car but in a different colour? You actually went there?’’ I sighed and he chuckled lightly

‘’Oh yes I did girlfriend!’’ he said this in a high-pitched attempted girl voice and snapped his fingers across his face. I stifled in my laughter for a few seconds until all three of us burst out into a laughing fit. I missed being with my brothers so much.

‘’So, how’s the football going? You pulled any girls yet?’’ I winked at them both and they smirked before looking at each other and then back to me.

‘’RAFA HAS A GIRLFRIEND!’’ Fabs shouted out loud from the back seat of the car.

‘’Oh my gosh really? What’s her name? Is she pretty? How old is she? Will she like me or-‘’ they cut me off by laughing, as a result of that, I too started to laugh. I always do with my brothers.

‘’Her name is Carla, she is very pretty and she is 22, just like me. I’m guessing she will like you, you can be violent sometimes’’ Rafa smirked at me and I just flipped him off

‘’Oh grow up Rafs’’ I narrowed my brown eyes at him. He just chuckled and focused on the road.

‘’So, since you started to question us, have you got a boyfriend?’’ Fabs asked me with a ring to his tone

‘’Maybe…’’ I bit my lip and looked down.

‘’WHO WHO WHO!?’’ Fabs chanted

‘’TELL TELL TELL!’’ Rafa also chanted afterwards.

‘’Well, his name is Antonio, he’s 22, like you guys, he’s very good looking and he’s flying out here in a few days. I wanted him to meet you guys! Don’t worry though, he won’t be with us all the time. He’s partly coming to England for business, he works for Guy Salmon, you know Range Rover and that?’’

‘’Ah yes, we need to meet him and then punch the shit out of him if he’s mental!’’ Rafa declared by punching his fist up into the air. I gulped. Why? No particular reason…

‘’You two don’t change do you?’’ I laughed slightly and shook my head at them both. They half smiled.

‘’No, no we do not’’.

Secrets (David De Gea) -COMPLETED-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat