Chapter 18.

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‘’LET’S GO’’ David screamed once his foot hit the bottom step. We all looked at each other and shrugged before getting into the car. Ash was driving and I called shotgun so Welbz and David had to sit in the back. HA.

We soon arrived at Carrington and I went and introduced Gabby to Roxy and us three got talking while the boys were training.

‘’So, your engaged to Cristiano Ronaldo then eh?’’ Roxy said. Gabby grinned


‘’What’s it like? Do you have cameras following you around ALL the time? I mean Nem and I get it bad but you must get it ten times worse!’’ she said

‘’Yeah, it gets pretty stressful when you’re being followed by cameras and microphones all the time…but I guess it’s worth it when you get home because you can just relax’’ she sighed

‘’Yeah, I totally get it’’ Roxy said, nodding to Gabby

‘’I don’t!’’ I said, laughing

‘’Aww, you will one day sweet! Don’t worry about it!’’ Roxy said, patting my back. I sighed

‘’Well your married with kids and your engaged! While I’m sat here single like a loner!’’ we all chuckled

‘’Don’t worry, the right guy will come along soon, you just have to wait’’ Gabby said with a comforting smile

‘’Thanks guys’’ I smiled back.

We sat for a while watching the lads train until Rafa called me down.

‘’What?’’ I said to him

‘’We have a free training for the last half an hour’’ he grinned

‘’And?’’ I said, with a confused expression on my face

‘’And, we’re doing tricks. I told the guys you could pull a few’’

I rolled my eyes at him ‘’I’m not that good!’’

‘’Oh come on! Just a few tricks! And you are! Your better than most of us!’’ he argued back. All the lads were stood watching

‘’Alright’’ I sighed, ‘’someone toss me a ball’’ the started to cheer and I began to pull out some of my best tricks. I had learnt from the one and only Cristiano Ronaldo when I visited Gabby last summer.

*video on side- Rio Ferdinand’s virtual magazine #5*

‘’That’s good, but can you do this?’’ David said, smirking. He then kicked up the ball and started to do keepy-uppies with it and then did some sort of flick and caught in between his thigh and heel. He would have kept going until Wazza stuck his foot in and kicked the ball across to the wall which was about 5 paces away.

‘’Go and get it’’ David said to Wayne

‘’You get it! It’s your ball!’’ Wayne argued back, smirking

‘’Yeah but you kicked it!’’

‘’SHUT UP! I’ll get it’’ I said, making everyone silent. I walked to the wall and picked the ball up. I heard some mumbles and laughter and when I stood up and turned around, I collided heads with David. For a split second, our lips brushed and I felt some kind of spark inside me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a hand snaked it’s way round my waist and another hand took mine and helped me stand up.

‘’God are you alright?’’ A Spanish accent spoke. David.

‘’Yeah…I think’’ I said, rubbing my forehead

‘’Sorry about that, Wazza thought it would be funny to push me into you’’ he glared at Wayne and I chuckled. He took me over to the bench and the other lads just carried on with whatever they were doing.

‘’Hold on a sec’’ he said. He ran off down the corridor and shortly returned with an ice pack.

‘’here you go’’ he said, grinning and handing it to me. I took it and placed it to my head

‘’Thanks’’ I half smiled. He just stared into my eyes for about 3 minutes till he spoke up.

‘’Listen, I know what happened the other day but I was just wondering’’ he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I smiled at him reassuringly, ‘’I was wondering if you’d urm, like to maybe go out with me?’’ he blushed and so did I.

‘’Really? Me? Out of all people?’’ I looked at him in shock

‘’Yeah…you don’t have to if you don’t want, I completely understand if you-‘’ I cut him off by laughing

‘’I’d love to David’’. He looked at me and grinned

‘’Really? You would?’’ his smiled grew wide

‘’Yeah, really’’

‘’Great, tonight? I’ll come by the house at 7 to pick you up’’

‘’Perfect’’ I smiled sweetly and we both stood up.

‘’I’ll see you later then’’ I said. He hugged me and I hugged back. That magical feeling returned and I bit my lip

‘’Yeah, tonight’’ he whispered in my ear

‘’DAVID’S PULLED EVERYONE LOOK!’’ I heard Pat scream. I just looked at him and screamed. David let go off me, took a ball and booted it at Pat. It hit him in the stomach and he fell to the floor. Me, David and everyone else ended up in fits of laughter, also on the floor.

Secrets (David De Gea) -COMPLETED-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें