Chapter 10.

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‘’Oh urm…yeah I guess so’’ I said in a panic. I placed Jayden back into his carrier and signalled to Roxy that I’d be back in a minute. She nodded and smiled.

I slowly followed David out of the training room, I don’t think anyone but Roxy noticed.

We carried on down the decorated corridors until we came to an office that looked empty. He opened the door for me and I thanked him before walking inside.

I sat down on the edge of the empty desk and he stayed stood up. We were in silence for a few moments until it got quite awkward so I decided to do something about it instead of drawing patterns on the carpet with my foot.

‘’So, what did you want to talk to me about? Is there something up?’’ I looked up to him and he rubbed the back of his neck in an awkward way

‘’Well…’’ he started, ‘’you’re a girl right,’’

I chuckled, ‘’yes David I am a girl’’ he laughed too before carrying on

‘’I didn’t mean it like that! I-‘’

‘’I know, It’s fine, carry on’’ I reassured him, he smiled sweetly and dipped his head and then looked at me again

‘’Well, since you’re a girl, I needed a girls advice’’ he started

‘’Well, I’m here to give all the advice you need’’ I smiled

‘’Ok well, I kind of like this girl, I don’t know if she has a boyfriend or what but all I know is I haven’t known her long but she’s gorgeous and cute and she’s just amazing, what should I do?’’

I sighed.

‘’You should firstly find out if she has a boyfriend, then maybe try and spend some more time with her to get to know her if you’ve only just met her. Then after a while you could maybe ask her out, you know, if she doesn’t have a boyfriend’’ I shrugged and his eyes lit up and he grinned

‘’Thanks, I think I know what to do now’’ he said, walking over to me. I jumped off the table and he gave me a hug.

With his arms wrapped round me I felt safe, safe from harm and danger. Safe from being sad and anyone out there trying to make me sad. His touch made my stomach do flips and he smelled so good.

We were still in the hug when the door to the office burst open.

‘’What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’’.

Secrets (David De Gea) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now