Chapter 9.

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We pulled up at Carrington and Antonio and I followed the boys inside. We made the route that I took just a few days ago to get to the large indoor training pitch.

Rafa held the door open for me and I thanked him as we walked through. I immediately spotted Roxy. She saw me and came running over.

‘’Hey Ari!’’ she said, giving me a hug, we’d become good friends.

‘’Hey Rox, this is my boyfriend, Antonio’’ I introduced him to her. The smiled and shook hands. Vida then came over and snaked his arms round her waist. She blushed and smiled, looking to the ground. They were so sweet together.

‘’I’m Nemanja’’ He let go of Roxy and shook Ant’s hand.

‘’Antonio, Ari’s boyfriend’’ he grinned

‘’Ah, nice to meet you’’ Vida smiled back.

Just then the door swung open. The same happened as two days ago. David De Gea walked in just a little late. I didn’t realise I was staring at him till Antonio touched my arm a little too violently.

‘’Why are you staring at him?’’ He hissed quietly

‘’Oh…I wasn’t, I was looking at the plaque up there’’ I pointed to a large picture of the team and then a plaque which had some writing on. It was too far away so I couldn’t quite work out what the words were. Nevertheless, it worked as a distraction.

‘’Whatever’’ he said, throwing my arm back down by my side, making it hit my body.

I walked over to the side where Roxy was sitting with her twins. I left Ant to talk to the others.

‘’Hey’’ I smiled to her

‘’Hi’’ she said, she paused and then spoke up again. ‘’Would you like to hold him?’’ she asked, referring to Jayden. A smile grew wide on my face and I nodded eagerly.

‘’Please’’ I said like a small child. She handed him to me and then took Eva in her own arms.

‘’She’s adorable’’ I whispered, Roxy smiled.

‘’Yeah, they are aren’t they’’

‘’I hope my kids are as beautiful as these two!’’ I cooed

‘’Aw I’m sure they will be’’ she said.

Out of nowhere, David approached us with a smile on his face.

‘’Arianna, could I talk to you please?’’

Secrets (David De Gea) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now