Chapter 25.

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‘’So, what’s the plan now?’’ I asked him as he pulled up on the driveway at his house. I’d been here before a couple of times but I just…smile whenever I’m here. I don’t even know why. Maybe it’s just because it’s Dave’s house. I don’t really know to be honest. I just smile.

‘’Well, ‘’ David started as he pulled his kit bag from the boot and slung it over his right shoulder, ‘’I’m going to shower, and then take you,’’ he tapped my nose with his finger and I crumpled my eyebrows and went cross eyed, to which we both laughed, ‘’out for the rest of the day’’ he grinned at me and opened the front door.

I was stood behind him and immediately knew something was wrong when he just dropped his bag and didn’t say a word.

‘’David what’s wrong are you-‘’ I stopped talking when all he did was reach out behind himself for my hand. I nervously took it and he pulled me closer behind him and then placed a protective arm across my body.

‘’Don’t leave my side’’ he whispered to me, barely audible but I didn’t object. There was obviously an issue that I was unaware of right now.

‘’I thought I told you to never set foot in my house again’’ David spoke loudly to whoever was inside the house. I just gulped.

‘’Yeah, well I think we forgot to sort a few things out’’ I heard a woman’s voice and the click of heels on his marble flooring.

‘’Just leave yeah? We didn’t have anything, we sorted it all out and there’s nothing else I have to say’’ Dave answered sternly, gripping my hand tighter

‘’What’s the matter? You want to protect your little girlfriend?’’ the woman said arrogantly

‘’Just get out’’ he simply answered

‘’Come on, bring her out’’

‘’This doesn’t concern her ok-‘’

‘’You ashamed? You ashamed that I’m prettier than her? You don’t want anybody to see her? Scared I’ll go and tell people, tell the press? And then everyone will know?’’

‘’Of course not!’’ Dave said angrily, I’ve never known him angry. He very rarely got angry.

‘’Then come on, show her’’ she said. Dave turned around to face me. He took my hands in his and kissed them

‘’I’m sorry, I’ll explain everything later okay? I’m so sorry you have to be here right now’’ he whispered all this to me and I just nodded and stood next to him.

I looked at the woman. She had long wavy light blond hair and big sparkling blue eyes. She was tall, model height, and was wearing a skirt that showed off her perfectly tanned legs. Whereas me. I’m dressed in skinny jeans and a Jack Wills shirt. My hair is up in a messy pony tail and I hardly have any makeup on.

I stood looking embarrassed.

‘’Well, you happy now? Go and tell everyone, go and tell the press, I don’t care’’

‘’What, you don’t care that your girlfriend is an ugly mug that doesn’t know she’s dating the celebrity male slut of-‘’ that’s when Dave lost it. That’s when he dropped my hands and went over to her.

‘’You have 10 seconds to get out of my house or I will call the police for trespassing you understand?’’

‘’Alright pretty boy calm down’’ she smirked, ‘’but first I think this is long overdue’’ she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his lips down onto hers. He shoved her off him and she fell backwards onto the sofa. He looked at me and shouted.

‘’Ari I’m sorry I-‘’ but then he was on the floor. She had pushed him. That’s where she crossed the line. I knew what I had to do.

'’’What the hell! He asked you to leave! Just get out the house already! How did you even get in here and why would you do something like that! Just get out or I will actually call the police!’’ I bent down next to Dave who was on the floor rubbing his hand, I grabbed his hand and smiled at him reassuringly

‘’Oh look the slut speaks’’

‘’Get-‘’ Dave started, but didn’t finish

‘’Does she know what you did Dave?’’ she spoke. I looked at David and then at the girl

‘’Does she know that in fact you  cheated on me? Not the other way round? It’s not what people think. Now, I’ll be going now, I think you should too, save yourself a lot of hassle’’ she walked out, the only sound was her heels once again clicking on the marble floor.

‘’Ari I-‘’

‘’I trusted you’’ I whispered. I dropped his hand and stormed out.

*A.N wwwoooooaaaahhhhhh you guys didnt see that coming did you?!?!?! COMMENT PLEASE!*

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