Chapter 20.

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"So, where are we going?" I asked David as he started the car

"It's a secret" he grinned

"Do I know it? Have I been before?" I said, desperate to find out where we were going

"Well, do you have good balance? Coordination?" He hunted, smiling at me briefly before going back to the road

"Yeah, I guess" I shrugged

"Then you'll be WAY better at this than me" he winked as we pulled into the ice skating carpark

"No way! We're going ice skating!?" I said, grinning. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face

"Yeah," he started, getting out of the car, walking over to my side and opening the door for me, "yeah we are" he winked and closed the door, locking the car behind us.

I linked my arm in his as we walked inside. I was really excited for this, I loved ice skating.

After David kindly paid for our entrance, we went down the the boot room and changed into some skates.

"How did you know I like ice skating?" I asked as we laced up our boots

"I asked your brothers what you liked to do and they told me ice skating" he smiled at me

"Aw! You didn't have to come here if you didn't want to, I mean this is OUR date, not just mine" I said, standing up

" I know, but I wanted to make you happy" he said, slightly blushing

"Aw, your so nice! There's no other way to describe what you just said but nice! Oh and you have a very nice face too" I giggled and blushed

"You have a very nice face too" he laughed, "now could you help me up please?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I just melted at his beauty

"Sure" I held my hands out and slowly pulled him up onto his feet.

We made our way over to the ice and I stepped on no problem, David, not so much.

"Come on!" I giggled at him

"What if I die!?" He gawked

I rolled my eyes at him, "you will not die I promise!"

"Fine" he winked at me and slowly stepped onto the ice, one foot after the other.

"See, that wasn't so hard was it?"

"Not really" he smiled. I took his hand and we skated one lap of the ice at the edge, then I pulled him into the middle of the ice.

"I wanna go back to the edge!" He whined, holding onto me for dear life. I giggled and let go of his hands, skating about 5 meters away from him

"Skate to me" I said, smirking

"No, I'll fall" he pouted

"Pleaseeee?" I pulled the puppy dog face at him and it seemed to work

"What do I get if I do it?" He winked

"How about...a kiss?" I raised a cheeky eyebrow at him

"Deal" he grinned and started to skate towards me. All was going well until he fell and landed flat on his bum. I couldn't help but laugh me head off.

"Oh my God are you alright?" I said I between laughs

"Yeah, I'm fine" he was laughing too, "now how do I get up?' I started to laugh at him again because he was just sat in the middle of the rink casually chilling out.

"Here, one knee first, then give me your hands, now stand up" I helped him between every step.

"Thanks, now do I get that kiss?" He smirked and leant in, I stopped him by putting a finger between our lips

"Ah! You didn't skate to me!" I giggled

"But I fell! That's not fair!" He stuck his bottom lip out

"If you want the kiss you have to catch me first" I winked and skated away, leaving him stood in the middle of the ice like a loner one again. Aw.

Secrets (David De Gea) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now