Chapter 30.

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-2 Years Later-

‘’David stop’’ I giggled as he excitedly tickled my sides as we ran into the house laughing our heads off. That’s right. Not his house, or my house, or the twins’ house. The house. Our house. We moved in together last year. Everyone knew it was coming and we had a huge housewarming party with everyone, it was a great night!

‘’Never! Well at least,’’ he breathed, ‘’not until you admit that I’m better than you at FIFA!’’

My jaw dropped in a dramatic way.

‘’That would be lying! And I don’t lie!’’ I smirked and he stood still. After about two seconds he began to tickle me again and he somehow managed to pin me down on the sofa.

‘’What’s this going to do? Unless you control my mind, being on top of me is no help’’ I smirked at him and he just laughed

‘’No, but I can kiss you’’ he winked and pressed his lips against my own. I smiled into the kiss and he began to laugh and pulled away.

‘’Why were you laughing?’’ we both sat up and I rested my head on his shoulder

‘’I wasn’t laughing I was…smiling…out loud?’’ he said cutely, I just chuckled at his remark

‘’You know that made no sense whatsoever, right?’’ I looked up at him and he looked down at me

‘’Yeah, I know’’ he chuckled to himself and shook his head.

‘’Hasn’t it all gone fast, these past 2 years?’’

I smiled to myself.

‘’Yeah, I guess it has’’ I shrugged

‘’You know, I can still remember the first day I ever saw you’’ I looked up at him again

‘’You can?’’ I grinned at him

‘’Of course! I walked in late, and you were stood with…who was it now?’’ he thought for a second and I laughed out loud at the expression on his face. ‘’Ryan! That was it! You were stood next to Giggsy and I came over to you and kissed you hand’’ he blushed a little and I giggled

‘’Yeah, I remember’’

‘’When I walked into the room, the only thing I saw was you’’ he lowered his voice a little and gripped me tighter. I felt my insides tingle, ‘’I only saw you and even though it was only a split second after I laid eyes on you, I knew, somehow I’d have to get you to be mine’’ I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up. David smiled and kissed me.

‘’Can you remember when you started to talk to me? And I didn’t say anything back?’’ he laughed and nodded

‘’Yeah, so your brother had to talk for you’’.

‘’And remember our first date?! When you kept-‘’ I couldn’t finish my sentence due to my outburst of laughing so hard

‘’When I kept falling over yes I know!’’ David said in a sarcastic tone which made me laugh even more

‘’Oh yeah! And then you wouldn’t kiss me!’’ I grinned at me

‘’Well, you didn’t skate to me! A deals a deal!’’ I raised my eyebrows and shrugged at him

‘’Do I get a kiss now?’’ he looked at me with a half-smile on his beautiful face. I bit my lip and as he moved closer, I put a finger between our lips

‘’Ah! You didn’t skate to me!’’ I laughed as we began to replay our exact conversation

‘’But I fell! That’s not fair!’’ he whined once again. I giggled

‘’If you want that kiss, you’ll have to catch me first’’ we both fell about laughing as all the memories came back from that night. I can’t believe how far we’ve both come as a couple. I can remember every single detail and all the times we’ve spoke, all the important days, conversations, events. Everything. Even though there were sometimes when we’ve had fights, not been talking, even moved out, we’ve always come back together and that’s how I know he’s the one for me.

He slowly sat up and turned slightly so he was facing me at an angle, he had his hands in mine and was staring deep into my eyes.

‘’Listen, Ari, these past 2 years have undoubtedly been the best of my life, and I really want to spend the rest of my years with you. I’ve been thinking for so long about what I want, and I’ve figured out that I wanted someone who I can be myself around, who loves me as much as I love them. Someone who accepts me for who I am. Someone who I can start a family with, someone I am willing to never give up for, someone I would die for, and Arianna, I’ve found her, I’ve found her in you’’ .

My heart began to race and tears welled in my green eyes. I can’t believe he was actually doing this, I can’t believe it was happening, right now. I never thought this would happen. I raised my hand to my mouth as he got down on one knee. He pulled out a small, black velvet box. He opened the top to reveal a stunning platinum, sparkling ring. A single tear rolled down my blushing cheeks.

‘’Arianna Francesca Da Silva, will you marry me?’’ 


Okay guys, so I had this chapter and the next 3 all planned out so you'll just have to wait for those;) But I just thought I'd write about their memories together and a few other things in this chapter and the David pulled out the big question guys;) 

Please comment and vote, it means the world and more to me! I hope you like this chapter!*

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