Chapter 21.

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After the ice skating adventures, David took us both to a really posh Italian restaurant. We had a really lovely meal and David kindly paid for it all.

"That was lovely Dave, thank you" I smiled at as we walked out of the restaurant, our hands joined together.

"Your welcome, I thought we could go in there and try to fit in" he laughed and so did I

"What are you talking about? Your a celebrity!" I grinned

"I wouldn't go that far!" He smiled, "but thanks for the complement" he winked

"Welcome" I smiled back as we continued walking, I wasn't really sure where we were going but we ended up in a really beautiful park.

"Wow, it's beautiful here" I smiled, taking in my surroundings and admiring the reflection of the moon on the crystal clear lake.

"Yeah, it really is" David breathed, "you wanna sit down?" He said, gesturing to the bench sat by the lake

"Sure" I smiled and we slowly walked over to the bench.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while until David spoke up.

He cleared his throat before he began.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want, but, I just wanted to know if you erm, if you feel any more comfortable around me now? I mean after you told me everything that happened and how you felt, I just wanted to make you feel safe around me, because" he sighed, "I just really care about you. I know that's a but sudden since we've not known each other that long, but every time I see you I feel this urge to...protect you and just be with you" he said in one big breath. His eyes staring straight into mine, our fingers entwined together.

"Wow...I've never had anyone say that to me before" I said, breaking into a smile, "and to answer your question, I do feel safer, a lot safer" I grinned at him

"You do? Honestly?" His smile grew wide

I nodded "Yeah, I do, David...I have a question for you though?" I bit my lip

"Ask away"

I took a big breath, "Kiss me" I said in barely a whisper. We both smiled and the next thing I knew, my hand was on the side of his neck and our lips were touching. Wow.

You know what? I think I'm really falling for this boy...

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