Chapter 3.

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My heart started thudding against my chest. It was so loud to me that I was convinced that everybody else could heart it as well. His overwhelming beauty did this to me. He had stunning light brown eyes that could easily be classed as green but if you looked into them for long enough, they were definitely brown. He had an amazing original shade of brown hair, unlike dark or light brown, just in the middle and just perfect. He was tall, slim and lean, yet he looked as if he could knock a man out if you asked him to. He was simply the perfect man.

I was stood gawking at him for a while and I suddenly felt my cheeks heat up as he spoke.

‘’And who is this beautiful young lady?’’ his Spanish accent made my stomach do flips. It was beautiful and it could make you do anything. The way it’s tone and the way he says the words are amazing and just so…perfect.

I was still stood in shock so Fabs stepped in for me, clearly seeing my dilemma.

‘’This is our sister, Arianna’’ Fabs said. David cracked a smile and stepped closer to me. Taking my hand in his, he gently pressed his lips against the back of my hand.

‘’My name is David, David De Gea’’.

‘’Lovely…t-to meet you’’ I stuttered and then smiled in attempt to cover up me making a complete fool out of myself in front of the gorgeous human being that stood before me.

‘’The please is all mine’’ he winked and all the guys started to wolf-whistle and shout ‘woo!’ and ‘you go David!’ I quickly turned the colour of a tomato and looked down.

‘’You can go and sit over there for a while whilst we train, Roxy will keep you company’’ Rafael explained. I looked over to see a girl, probably a bit older than me, cradling a baby in her arms. She had two baby carriers and I saw another baby inside one. I smiled.

‘’Okay, sure’’ I smiled and hugged them both before walking over to see this girl.

‘’Hi, I hope you don’t mind me sitting with you, I’m Arianna’’ I started the conversation off best as I could. She looked up to me and smiled.

‘’No, no it’s fine. At least I get some company around today! I’m Roxy, Nemanja’s wife’’ she nodded her head towards a guy that the lads call Vida. They have nicknames for everyone by the looks of things.

‘’Aw, that’s so sweet! I’m the twins’ sister’’ I smiled and looked to my brothers who appeared to be throwing cones at each other at this moment in time. I shook my head and laughed silently.

‘’They are quite some characters those two, they are so adorable though!’’ Roxy laughed

‘’Yeah, well, most of the time anyway’’ I grinned at her, ‘’so, who do we have here?’’ I looked into her arms to see a little baby boy wrapped up in a red blanket.

‘’This is Jayden and in the carrier we have Eva’’ I studied the babies faces and then Vida’s.

‘’Wow, they look so much like both you and Vida! They’re so cute!’’ I cooed, peering in at the little bundle in her grasp.  I hope I’ll have a baby as cute as that one day.

‘’So, how come we’ve never met you before then?’’ Roxy asked

‘’Well, when my brothers moved to the UK, I was still at school so I had to stay. Whereas my other brother, Luis Henrique, moved with them’’. I speak to Luis very often; he was older than all of us so when we were out causing mischief, he was always the one sent out to check up on us. He never stopped us from pulling any pranks though, he sometimes joined it.

‘’Oh right, well it’s nice to meet you,’’ we both smiled at each other.

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