Chapter 23.

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‘’Hurry up and get out of the car! Stop texting David, you’ll see him in a minute and then we’ll find out all the details!’’ Rafa winked at me and I grinned and hopped out of the car

‘’For your information, I was texting Gabby, and you won’t get anything out of either of us!’’ I smiled sneakily at them and skipped off inside, only to come face to face with Nani.

‘’Tell me what happened with Dave? I won’t tell anyone! I promise!’’ he grinned

‘’As if I’m falling for that, Luis’’ I raised an eyebrow and carried on walking past him, only once again to meet Anderson

‘’So, what did you and Dave get up to? I wont tell!’’ he wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed

‘’No chance’’ I gently pushed his shoulder and walked past. Again, unwillingly greeted by Robin

‘’Tell-‘’ I cut him off

‘’I will not tell you what happened on our date! So save your breath Rob!’’ I laughed and walked past him.

I pushed open the doors to the indoor training pitch to see Dave surrounded by the boys, hassling him about the date. When the door slammed close, all eyes turned to me and everyone came running over to me.

About 13 different voices started to talk at once and they gradually stopped when Dave appeared out of nowhere and told me to jump on his back. I did so and he carried me away from everyone. They started to follow us but Dave turned around.

‘’Stay back, or I’ll punch you’’ he cheekily smiled and carried me outside.

‘’You haven’t told them, have you?’’ he asked me once he set me down on the grass.

‘’Not said a word, even though they lined half the squad up down the corridor to try and get me to spill’’ I rolled my eyes

‘’I’ve heard it all now! They’re everywhere! Like little fleas that you can’t get rid of!’’ we both chuckled

‘’I know! I’m glad it’s just our secret though’’ I blushed

‘’Yeah, me too’’ he looked around him and grinned, ‘’Follow me’’ he stood up and took my hand in his.

He led me to the back of the building.

‘’Here, nobody can see us’’ he winked, moving closer to me and putting his hands on my waist

‘’And nobody will be able to find us either’’ I whispered. And then, we kissed.

It wasn’t just like your average O.K kiss either. It wasn’t one of those meaningless-trying-to-show-affection kisses. It was a real kiss. One with meaning and affection. One that even before he kissed me, just by his touch, made me get that feeling inside. That feeling that only one person can give you.

We pulled away and he stared into my eyes. I bit my lip and stared back.

‘’Ari, will you-‘’

‘’What the fudge are you two doing back here? Having fun? Not with my sister you don’t!’’ Fabs pulled me over to him and Rafa, giving Dave a stern look

‘’Nah, we’re joking! Do with her what you want! Within reason, just don’t hurt her or you’re dead!’’ Rafa said, pushing me into David’s arms. I looked up at him and he winked cheekily.

‘’I better get to training, meet me after? It’s Friday, I’ll take you out’’ he grinned

‘’Sure, that’d be great’’ I smiled back

‘’Perfect, see you soon’’ he kissed my cheek and jogged off to join the others.

All I could think about was what he was going to say before my brother cut him off…stupid Fabio.

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