Chapter 12.

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‘’So where is he? Can I go see him?’’ I asked, desperate to know how he was doing. Well, of course I knew he was fine from what the boys had said but I needed to see him in person.

‘’Who?’’ both boys said at the same time. I rolled my eyes at them.

‘’David you nobheads!’’ they laughed

‘’Oh, yeah follow us’’ Rafa cocked his head towards the door and I started to follow slightly behind them both to wherever David was at.

I followed them down a series of long corridors. Each one looked the same, I don’t get how you can’t get lost, it’s so confusing around here…

We suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

‘’He’s in there’’ Fabs said, pointing the a large wooden door

‘’Well should I just go in or knock or what?’’ I said, shrugging and raising both my eyebrows. Rafa sighed and threw his head back. He knocked on the door and a voice said ‘come in’ from the inside. Rafa opened the door.

‘’Now go’’ he said, cheekily smiling at me

‘’Cheers’’ I replied, walking into the room.

Inside, David was laid on a bed and there was a doctor looking at a computer screen. He turned and stared at me as I walked inside.

‘’Hello, how can I help you?’’ he said, David smirked at me

‘’I came to see how David was doing, it was sort of my fault so I came to apologise also on someone else’s behalf too’’

The doctor was about to speak when David cut him off.

‘’What? It wasn’t your fault at all!’’ he said loudly, sitting bolt upright. I blushed slightly.

‘’I’ll leave you two alone for a while’’ the doctor said, excusing himself from the situation and the room. Once he had left, I walked over and sat on the edge of David’s bed.

‘’Sorry about what happened, and it was my fault. I was the one dating the guy and I was the one who I guess started it all…’’ I said, ashamed of him getting hurt.

‘’Hey, don’t be stupid! None of this was your fault! Yeah I got a little hurt but I don’t care about that…is there something I’ve missed?’’ he said, looking up at me

‘’Kind of…’’

‘’Tell me, please?’’ he pleadingly looked into my dark eyes, I sighed and felt tears in my eyes. He’s going to think I’m a pathetic little wimp when I tell him what happened to me. Most of all, that I let it happen.

‘’It’s not all really that important…’’ I said in a shaky voice. I wiped a stray tear quickly from my cheek.

‘’I saw you cry a little then, it’s obviously important, you don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want…’’ he placed his hand on top of mine and I glanced down at it and smiled a small smile. I took a deep breath and began.

‘’Well, I have been with Antonio for a while now and at the start he was all really nice and protective of me, I thought this was normal and because he loved me. Apparently it wasn’t, as I sadly found out later. He started to get violent when I wouldn’t kiss or interact with him in anyway. He forced me into doing things and then once I was talking to a male friend and he accused me of cheating. Antonio beat the guy up and he, urm, he did this to me…’’ I took a shaky breath and revealed the scar on my side. His eyes widened and then he moved his hand so that his fingers entwined with mine.

‘’I told you it wasn’t your fault’’ he said with a sad smile

‘’It was though, if I wasn’t still with him and I wasn’t such a wimp and broken up with him, none of this would’ve happened!’’ I exclaimed

‘’Hey, you’re not a wimp! Your now one of the toughest people I know, apart from Vida,’’ we shared a chuckle, ‘’You put up with him doing those things and hurting you for ages, you’re not weak or a wimp, and if anyone says you are then I’ll kick their ass, yeah?’’ I giggled through the tears as he grinned at me.

I nodded, ‘’you know, that’s probably one of the nicest things anybody’s ever said to me, thank you’’ I said

‘’you’re welcome, I meant every single word I said. Now, if I hug you, will that be alright?’’ he said, grinning

‘’Yeah, that’ll be fine’’ I said. The next thing I knew, I was being engulfed by him once again. That exact same feeling that I had before this whole thing entered my body again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his body and the feeling of safety and happiness he gave me, just by giving me a simple hug. 

David De Gea is one hell of a man…

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