Chapter 6.

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I was sat playing a very tense game of FIFA against Jonny when my phone started to ring from across the other side of the room. I quickly hit the pause button on the game and stood up.

‘’Hey! No breaks in FIFA!’’ Jonny protested. I rolled my eyes and thrust the controller at Rafa. I grabbed my phone from the sofa and walked out of the room, answering it as I did so.


‘’Ari it’s me, Antonio’’ he said

‘’Oh, hey Ant’’ I replied

‘’So, you got there safely yeah?’’

‘’Yeah, I’m fine, just playing FIFA with my brother and his friends’’ I said, as if it was nothing

‘’You better not be flirting-‘’ I cut him off and sighed

‘’I’m not! One of them is married with kids and the other has a girlfriend so now I am not flirting’’ I said in a blank tone

‘’Good, because you wouldn’t if you know what’s good for you…’’ I gulped

‘’I w-won’t, I promise’’ I stumbled over my words

‘’Good, we don’t want a repeat of what happened last time I caught you flirting with someone else do we?’’ his voice was pure evil.

‘’N-no, no we don’t’’.

‘’Because then the man will get hurt, just like last time’’ he whispered, hate dripping off every word he said to me down the phone, ‘’and so will you’’.

‘’I won’t flirt with anyone, I only love you Antonio’’ I said quietly

‘’That’s my girl, I’ll see you tomorrow baby’’

‘’Goodbye Ant’’

‘’Bye babe’’.

The call ended and I shrunk to my knees. What do I do? If he catches me talking to any of the boys at football he’ll kill them, no exaggeration there at all, literally kill them.

I sighed and hugged my knees into my chest. I put my hand up my top and felt the scar on the left side on my stomach. The scar that changed my life forever.

A knife. He used a knife. He cut me with a kitchen knife because he thought I was flirting with another man. He was so wrong. The man was a friend that’s all, the man then got hurt, badly.

I feel so guilty for having him get hurt. I know that I should leave Antonio but that would only bring more trouble to the situation.

He hurts me. He hurts others around me. He hurts everyone.

What’s worse is that he doesn’t care. He sees it as fun. He likes to be in control but I can’t take it for much longer. I need to know I can go out in public and talk to a male friend without them getting hurt in the process, I need to have a free life. I need to get away from Antonio.

If only someone knew…

Secrets (David De Gea) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now