Chapter 27.

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Exactly half an hour later I parked my white BMW on his gravelled driveway. I took the key out of the ignition, got out of the car then locked it before putting the keys back into my handbag.

I slowly walked up to the front door, each step I began to get more and more nervous. I don’t even know why. I wasn’t the one that was going to be explaining things. I shouldn’t be scared. So why am I?

I shook the thought out of my head and gently rapped on the door. A few seconds later it swung open, to see David stood there nervously.

‘’Come in’’ he smiled a little and stood aside, allowing me in before closing the door behind me.

I followed him into the lounge and took a seat opposite him. He swallowed.

‘’So?’’ I asked him. I wasn’t waiting around. He said he would tell me so he either does or I leave.

‘’Well urm, you wanted answers, and now you’re going to get them’’ I nodded at him and leaned on the armrest of the sofa, waiting for him to begin.

‘’So, first of all, what Danielle said yesterday…about me cheating on her, she lied. I didn’t cheat on her, I swear. It’s happened to me before and I know how it feels inside when someone you love does that, so I’d never do that to anyone. We’d officially broken up and that night I got drunk at some club and kissed this girl. It was only a quick kiss so nobody found out, apart from Danielle. Fortunately she had also done the same thing but the press were covering her so only she got found out about it. What she said was a lie. Neither of us cheated, it just got portrayed that she cheated on me. She told you that to try and change your views of me. It was only because we hadn’t publicly broken up that it got reported that she cheated. I swear on my life’’

I just looked at him. I didn’t really know what to say. I just sat there in silence. Until I remembered something else.

‘’But why was she here? How did she even get in the house? Are you still connected with her or-‘’ he stopped me by rushing over and sitting beside me. He took my hands in his own and held them tightly.

‘’Of course not. You think I’d do that to you?’’ he looked at me and cracked a small smile, ‘’I would never’’.

‘’But why was she here?’’ I asked again

‘’I have no idea, she probably wanted something for the press to say about me, something bad to get me back for what was reported about her before. I’ll get the locks changed on the house, I was sure I took they key back but still. If you’re going to be here I want you to feel safe.’’

‘’Ok’’ was all I said. Nothing more, nothing less. I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms round me.

‘’I have a question for you now…I was meant to ask you yesterday but your brother cut me off’’. I looked up at him and smiled, wanting him to carry on

‘’Ask away’’ I grinned

He took a deep breath, ‘’Arianna, will you be my girlfriend?’’.

Again I didn’t know what to say. I was overcome with emotions. I mean, I hadn’t known the guy for long, just under 3 months but he is the most amazing guy ever. He never questions anything I say and he understands me when I talk to him. He gets me and I get him. We work.

There’s only one answer then I guess…

‘’Yes, David, I will be your girlfriend’’ he grinned at me before bending down and placing a soft but perfect kiss on my lips.

I told you I was falling for him, and now I’ve fallen, I’ve fallen hard.

*Sorry for the chapter but i think it was quite good:3 anyways, comment, vote bc you love me*

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