Chapter 1: Rain = worried SBI

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TW: mentioned abuse
Please let me know if I missed any

(A few days after ch. 40)


The four of us watched it rain.

It has been raining for the past 3 hours, and shows no sign of stopping.

I turned on the news.

"-we're expecting heavy rain for the entire afternoon and long into the night-"

"-the storm seems to be moving towards Las Nevadas-"

"-people are growing worried about possible flooding-"

I turned off the news with a sigh, and switched it to music.

Tommy ran out of the common room. Techno went back to reading, and Phil got out a chess board.

"Want to play?" He asked.

"Oh you're on!"

I set up the board, and we began playing, Phil was white, and I was black.

I didn't notice the teen that came back into the room, even when he was muttering to himself.

Or maybe I did, and couldn't be bothered to look up.

After about ten minutes, I finally put him into checkmate.

I heard footsteps scurrying off, and none of us saw Tommy for the rest of the morning.

"Where were you?" I asked Tommy.

"Editing." He replied around bites of apple.

"Editing what?" Phil asked.


"You seriously took a video?" I asked.

"Good content." He said in a mock morning voice.


Yeah, it rained the entire rest of the afternoon too. The underground, or as Manburg calls it, the subway was closed in fear of flooding.

"How are you going to get home Tommy?" Phil asked.

"Walk." He said with a grimace

For a moment we all thought he was joking, but he didn't smile.

"Wait, you're serious?" Phil asked.


"You're seriously thinking of walking from Manburg to Logsted?" I asked incredulously.

"Not thinking, planning." He replied.

"I'll drive you!" I exclaimed. This would be a great way to properly meet his brothers.

"No, you don't have to." He said earnestly.

"You're right, I want to, and I'm not taking no for an answer." I announced.


So now I'm driving through District 16, following Tommy's directions.

"Turn right here."

Two minutes later he exclaimed, "Stop!"

I hit the brakes, we weren't going that fast, so no one fell through the windshield.

I looked out Tommy's window, it was a really rundown apartment building.

Surely with four separate incomes they could find something slightly better.

Tommy and I both got out, and then I realized there was someone wearing a raincoat, and holding an umbrella.

Tommy saw them too, and sprinted towards them, shouting, "Ranboo!"

I followed a bit slower, and watched with a smile as Tommy basically lept into his arms.

I fully expected them both to fall onto the ground, but Ranboo seemed to dig the toe of his shoes into the mud.

I sauntered over to them, Tommy looked, and sounded so happy to see him.

"Alright, go inside before your clothes get any more soaked." He said, patting Tommy's head with a gloved hand.

Tommy quickly scampered into the rundown building.

"Thank you for bringing Tommy home." He said.

I looked at him, he was tall, maybe 6'5? 6'6? He had brown hair, and eyes as gray as the storm clouds.

"Oh, you're welcome, he was very stubborn about letting me though."

Ranboo smiled, "Yeah, he is."

We were still standing out in the rain.

"You look like you want to talk." He said with a laugh. "So, what was your question?"

"Are you like his best friend? He seemed really happy to see you."

"You could say that, we all keep each other safe." He said.

"One other thing, do his parents abuse him?"

Ranboo hesitated for a minute, "I don't know, I do my best to keep Tommy and Tubbo safe though."

I thought about that for a moment.

"You should get going, the rain is only going to get worse."

I nodded, and got back into my car.

Ranboo waved with a smile, I waved back before driving away.


Yes, wholesome fluff chapter that I has planned for ages.

It didn't work out as well as I wanted it to, but I can't think of a way to fix it.

Oh well, I have horse equitation tomorrow.

Have an amazing day/night my friends! 💙

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