🔹️Chapter 4: Night Terrors

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TW violence, death, blood,
Please let me know if I missed any


Theseus was in the ring again, but this time I was watching. He was up against a siren, probably 5 years older.

He was immediately charmed, and froze, his body became ridged.

He stood in place as the Siren drew closer.

Closer and closer.

At this point I was screaming for him to break the charm.

I was trying to run towards him, but I was chained to the ground, unable to run.

I watched as the Siren slit his throat, his lifeless body fell into the bloody sand.

The Siren stood over it victorious.

I snapped awake, doing my best to stay quiet.

I cupped my hands over my mouth and sat there for a moment, silent tears trickling down my face.

With a vwoop I was in the bathroom, my hands still cupped over my mouth I slid to the ground, with my back against the wall.

I felt the tears burn tracks, just like a hot metal string, tracing a line over and over.

I trembled and sobbed, staying silent as I sat on the tile floor.

I stayed like that for at least an hour.

I slowly stood up, and carefully walked into our room.

Tommy was asleep, so was Tubbo.

They both look so much younger when they sleep. They are at peace. They have no worries.

I wish I could be like that too.

I was still crying softly, but I took a deep breath and teleported back to my place on the bed.

I took a trembling breath, and began stroking Tommy's hair.

It's a lot softer than it when we were in the ring, but it was caked in layers of filth and grime. So now it was super soft and fluffy.

I felt arms wrap around my torso.

"You okay Boo?" Tubbo said sleepily.

"Yeah." I said, my voice cracking.

"Mhm, you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Then why are you crying?" He mumbled.

"It's nothing." I muttered softly.

"You don't have to be the oldest all the time." He muttered into my back. "I can be the oldest sometimes."


Tubbo hugged me tighter, "Shh, no buts, just sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up again. I promise."

I huffed, and batted his wing with my tail.

"I felt that." He murmured sleepily.

"Y'know, I'm just as much your brother as Tommy is."

"I know. I love you Bee."

"I love you too Boo."


Shorter chapter, but I can't add more to it, it's too sweet.

Have a great day/night my friends!💙

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