Chapter 26: the underground

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Please let me know if I missed any

Third person

"Morpho, you and Monarch need to send word to the underground."

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"Can we talk about how unstable this city is?" Monarch asked as they walked through the woods, trying to keep their footsteps light. "I mean, the whole hero villan thing is kind of stupid, don't you think?"

He meant it as a joke, but Morpho took it to heart once again.

"Yeah, I guess it is." She muttered with a sideways glance to her partner. He is a very odd person, but they get along well.

Her paranoia about literally everything means her mind is always running through any, and every what if scenario she thinks of, and she is glad Moon didn't let her work on her own. She would've fallen into a pit long ago.

"Hey, I see that look." Monarch said, her cape swishing as they took a few big strides to stop in front of her.

"Stop thinking on the job!" He said cheerily.

"Seeing as I'm the only one who thinks, I should be thinking overtime." Morpho snapped with no actual bite behind her words.

There isn't a vigilante team in the city who lives without banter.

Especially the benchtrio, they insult each other like they are vigilantes and heros, but they also call themselves brothers. It's funny to see them banter.

Everyone knows it's a dire situation when they have to seek out the Underground, which is an underground network of mercenaries, hitmen, bounty hunters, and assasins for hire.

Dangerous situations call for dangerous people.

The Underground isn't really part of the city, but Callisto is the "leader" or something close to that, and she and Moon have been friends for ages, giving and trading information over the years. But still. . .

Morpho zoned out because Monarch bumped her and grinned. "We'll be fine, we are vigilantes, and the Underground knows it, so stop thinking what you are thinking and focus on walking the right direction."

"Then stop walking into my head."

"Mmmm, can't, sorry, you're thinking too loud." She said, tilting their sunglasses down so Morpho could see his pure white eyes.

"Alright, serious time." Morpho said, gesturing to the trail that ends.

They walked up, and were instantly met with Purpled, and Puffy. Wordlessly, they turned around and let them tie cloths over their eyes.

The duo was led meticulously through nearly a mile of land mines and forest that Underground members can navigate by heart.

Their eyes covered for both their safety, and the secrecy of the Underground.

All the while, Morpho was running calculations, arguments, and ideas through her head as her teammate listened.


I didn't want to write more prep chapters, or benchtrio sits around and does nothing chapters.

So if there is someone you want to see a chapter on, now is the time to ask.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💖💜💙

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