Chapter 24: preening?

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TW PTSD, trauma,
Please let me know if I missed any


It was really weird to live with the people who tried to hunt us down.

Jubilee was nice, just like he was when I was in the cell.

I think Sparrow forgot all of what he said to me, so hopefully no bad feelings there?

I don't hate Sparrow for what he said, holding grudges against people you live with isn't pleasant.

It just puts me on edge with living in such a close proximity to people who wanted to imprison us, plus the new information I've learned has put my anxiety on high.

Another thing, why do people like staring at Enderians so much? I get it, we are really cool to looks at, but it makes us very uncomfortable

Tubbo and Tommy say living here isn't so bad. Well, Tommy says that, Tubbo just doesn't care.

Atlas just unnerved me, and I honestly think I unnerve him as well.

I sat cross-legged on the bed, with Tommy in front of me, he was being very strange, and asked for me to preen his feathers instead of just straightening them out.

I gave him an odd look that he, deliberately, ignored, and he asked me again.

"Are you sure?" I muttered, giving him another time to opt out of this.

He nodded wordlessly, and turned away from me.

"Just tell me when it gets too much." I said quietly.

Again, he nodded and opened his wings just enough so the chain wouldn't grow taunt.

Straightening feathers was one thing, but preening? It had taken Tommy years to even trust someone other than me with touching his feathers.

I ran my claws over his wings, gently tracing the shapes within them. I felt Tommy shiver a bit from my touch.

Starting from the top, I gently tugged each feather, only hard enough for it to come out if it was about to fall out.

I traced the feathers as I methodically moved along, stopping any time Tommy tensed up, or if he chirped in discomfort.

I'm no avian, so the way I preen is probably far from how you are actually supposed to do it, especially because I am just using a gentler version of what the ring did.

There was a pretty good pile of feathers by the time we were done, and I watched as my brother's shoulders released any of the tension they were holding.

He trilled softly, and I warbled a reply. They weren't actually words to communicate, and more feelings.

As I was going through the motions of smothing out the rest of his feathers, I asked again.

"What made you decide you wanted me to preen?"

He shifted uncomfortably, but I waited.

"This is going to sound so stupid." He muttered.

I motioned for him to continue.

"It's so Phil will stop staring at my wings like he is about to have an aneurysm."

I chuckled, "Fair enough."

As soon as I drew my hands away, he folded his wings with enough force to send the pile of feathers flying.

At that moment, Tubbo burst in, announcing, with a sing song voice, "I found the hair brush!"

I slid off the bed, and onto the ground as Tubbo jumped onto the bed and began brushing out my hair.

Tommy strode out of the room, I believe he challenged Atlas to a 1v1, or Atlas challenged him, or whatever happened with that.

"What are you doing today?" I asked. There wasn't much he could do, my hair only went to the nape of my neck.

"Braided circlet." He hummed happily.


I was curled up, reading a book, and Tubbo was sharing his devious plan to toss Tommy's feathers out the window, so they would fall on the two fighters.

Long story short, he didn't do it.

Tommy lost 3-7.


I hope you enjoyed the fluff

This is your warning that I don't use plot armor

Have a great day/night my friends!❤️💜💙

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