Chapter 9: A walk

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TW violence, fire, mentioned suicide,
Please let me know if I missed any


As bad as it sounds, I'm not that sad about George leaving the group entirely.

I figured it would happen eventually, so I cut myself off a long time ago.

Also, then we didn't have to babysit his stupid friends who won't even listen to the words I say.

They think they're so invincible, when really they would have been killed a while ago if it wasn't for Wilbur, Niki, and I.

But I can't say the same for Niki. I still miss her, even though it's been a year, and I have others to spend time with.

I strolled down the street, there isn't much more for me to do.

I don't have chores to do, or things to take care of.

I don't have school, or homework.

I don't have a house to take care of.

I don't have parents who worry about where I am.

I am technically not a person.

Because it was all burned.

All the proof of my life before the streets, all the proof that I had a family.

All the proof of my existence.


Burned to the ground.

And all I could do was watch.

I was only four.

I remember my sweet mother's silvery white hair, and white ears, and my father's black hair.

I was exactly half and half.

I don't remember much, but I knew I was loved, they would always say I was special, and would do great things one day.

I hope to make them proud, I hope their deaths will not be in vain.

The only things keeping me from killing myself were my friends, and the feeling that I owed my parents something.

I made a promise that I wear around my neck.

A promise to make the best of life, and leave the world better than I found it.


There were so many people on the streets.

Too many, but I knew better than to let my heart win.

Plus a lot of them were older than I was, and I didn't want to house someone older than me.

I had secrets to keep

That was until I saw a little Ender scampering into a tent.

He didn't look Enderian, but his feet, and tail were a tell tale sign, combined with his downturned ears, and height, I could surely say he was Enderian.

"⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ⟒⋏⎅ ⟒⍀?" I called softly.

His ears swiveled to my direction.

"Who's there?" He said, his head following his ears.

He had heterochromatic eyes, and, turquoise freckles?

"⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⋔⟒, ⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀." I stepped out of the shadow the building cast.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He froze, "Where did you come from, and why did I understand you?"

I chuckled softly, "I have Umbrakinesis, I can manipulate shadows."

To show what I meant, I took darkness into my cupped hands, and held it as a spherical object as I took my hands away from it.

I split it into three parts that circled each other, the little Ender's eyes widened.

I smiled softly, "What's your name, little Ender?"

His eyes narrowed, "Why should I tell you?"

Wary, that's good. I shrugged, "You don't have to, I was just wondering."

He glanced at the darkness still swirling in between my hands.

"You like watching the shadows?" I asked.

"Yeah, kinda, it's weird, it's like a hundred whispers within the shadows, all chanting things."

I hummed, he was an Ender.

It's really intriguing, a lot of hybrids can have Umbrakinesis, or Photokinesis.

It all comes down to two things, 1. Whether you can hear the whispers of the shadows and light, and 2. Whether you are trained or not.

I happen to be able to do both, it was the one thing I wasn't self taught.

"Would you like to try holding the shadow?" I asked, forming a ball again.

"Okay." He said slowly.

He cupped his hands, and I brought mine closer to his.

He radiated cold, even colder than Wilbur.

I gently slipped the shadow into his awaiting hands.

It stayed there for a split second, before disappearing into thin smoke-like tendrils that rose into the coming night.

"Would you like to try again?" I asked.

He nodded, looking a bit downcast.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself, it takes awhile to even hold a shadow."

He nodded, and cupped his hands again.

We continued this until dusk, where everything was shadows.

The little Ender could now hold a shadow ball until his hands moved.

"Would you like to do this again tomorrow?" I asked with a smile.

He nodded and shot back his own, gleaming smile, before sprinting back to his tent.

I began walking back to get ready for the night.


Should I do more Kit perspective chapters?

I hope you all have a great day/night!

Love you friends! 💙 (platonically if you haven't been aware)

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