Chapter 14: duel

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Tommy has been experimenting on patrol. Not that he doesn't always experiment. But now he's trying more with his wings.

When we first got out of the ring, Tommy was deathly afraid of his wings.

It's nice to see him really working on them.

He still can't fly, even though Kit has finally figured out how to cut the chain.

We haven't gotten the chain cut yet, he's still very uncertain about it.

He likes being flightless, and there's no one to teach him how to fly.

As weird as it sounds, neither of us want to detach from the ring. Both of us still have our broken collars, and the clothes we wore that day.

Reel it back Icarus, we've got company. Came Tubbo over the comms, sometimes he patrols with us, but he likes the safety of being able to watch and warn his teammates.

I watched as Sparrow descended and landed on the roof, a moment later Atlas climbed up the side to meet him.

Where's Jubilee? I signed.

"Dealing with something." Sparrow said. "That's not important right now."

Moon was right, Jubilee wouldn't recover from the news.

"We need to distract the heros from our new vigilantes." Morpho said, motioning to Bear, a young vigilante with brown hair, and Foxglove.

"I wouldn't say Foxglove is new, but I do agree, plus our younger vigilantes, and mercenaries."

"Hey!" Tommy exclaimed, "We are just as skilled as you guys are."

"Which is why we need you guys safe. If you are captured, it is a foster system, or hero training." Moon said grimly

Tubbo inhaled sharply at foster care.

"Whereas, if we are caught, it is prison." Monarch added, his face as blank as the eyes behind his sunglasses.

"So, distraction?" Morpho prompted.

"Oh, we've got that covered." Someone stepped out of the shadows.

I couldn't quite tell what they were. They had red fox ears, and a tail, but there were vines wrapped around their arms.

And another person stepped out of the shadows, pale, with blue slashes on a yellow sweater.

Sparrow took a step forward, and I took a step back.

Another step forward, another step back.

He started the roundabout technique, and we were circling each other, I kept a close eye on Atlas, not wanting to be snuck up on.

Sparrow unsheathed a sword from his waist, and I took the twin blades off of my back. My blades were like rapiers, but smaller, and sort of curved.

Good for blocking, and parrying.

I wouldn't make the first move.

So Sparrow did.

He lunged, going for a low slash that I parried with my right blade.

I lunged at his right side, with no true intention of striking.

He blocked it, and then lunged at my chest.

I made an X with my rapiers and pushed the sword away.

Sparrow was talking, but I never listen. Tubbo was talking in my ear, but I wasn't paying attention.

It's something you learn in gladiator fights.

Don't be distracted by noise.

It was a bloody game I've played too much.

We go back and forth, losing ground, gaining ground, striking and parrying.

Atlas disappeared for a while, and then came back.

Sparrow was holding back, which confused me.

Sparrow hated us.


Alright, let's push the boundaries.

I began striking faster, and with more force, causing Sparrow to pick up the pace.

He fell silent as we played.

Using both hands to my advantage, I would strike one side, and when Sparrow blocked, I would strike the other side, causing him to whip around to meet me.

It was a deadly dance of blades and blood, and I was leading it.

I would strike faster, and Sparrow would match me, I would slow down and strike harder, Sparrow would follow my lead.

He may think he is in control of this game, but anytime he gains too much ground for my liking, I will pick up the pace again forcing him back.

At some point, I caught the hilt of his sword on my rapier's tip, I twisted it, and pulled my arm up, causing the sword to fly out of Sparrow's hand and off the building.

Sparrow was pulled off balance, and slipped off the edge of the building.

I threw down my rapiers and, along with Atlas -- who had been watching our little rooftop duel, rushed over to pull Sparrow back onto the roof.

The last thing I wanted was to be blamed for the death of a hero.

Once you're done with that, come back home, it's 3 am.

I nodded, and once Atlas and I pulled Sparrow up, I picked up my rapiers, and teleported away.

"Finally, you were at that for a while."

"Yeah." I replied dejectedly.

The distrustful look I got from Sparrow said it all.

How much he hated us, and how, even though I didn't let him fall, I would always be a monster.


Quick question,

Is the pace too slow?

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙

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