Chapter 18: housed by the enemy

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Please let me know if I missed any


I stared in shock as Sparrow signed the release papers.

Tommy looked equally shocked, and fearful.

Joker said he would contact Moon.

And that they could surely get us out of here.

But that wouldn't happen, we would be in Manburg. In a hospital, or a cell.

I glared at them distrustfully.

Paramedics loaded Ranboo into an ambulance, and the five of us joined him.

I would think they'd drive us to a hospital, or a prison, but no.

They drove us to the SBI HOUSE!

Everyone knows the SBI all live separately, but, like all hero teams, they get a shared house.

These three, unlike the dream team, rarely use this house.

Sparrow and Jubilee helped transport Ranboo inside, while Atlas took Tommy and I inside and showed us around.

Both of us were wary, Tommy probably for the sake that they were heros, and me because it reminded me of the foster homes.

Always smiles and laughter, until everyone else left.

"Do either of you know anything about what Astro is?" Phil asked, walking into the large main room.

I crossed my arms, "Why should we tell you anything."

"Yeah, after this is all over, you guys are just going to throw us into foster care, or jail." Tommy spat.

"We just want to make sure your teammate is okay." Sparrow said patiently.

"'We just want you safe' 'We just want the best for you.'" I mocked. "What happens after Astro and Icarus recover? Are you just going to dump us into the foster system? Or force us into jail? 'Cause we sure as hell aren't becoming heros."

Go on, I thought, tell me I'm wrong, tell me you won't just dump us.

But Sparrow said nothing. He looked at us, and walked away.

I don't know what I was waiting for, it's always the same silence.

People are there to pretend to keep you safe. But one day, when you fall, they won't be there to pick you back up.

Sometimes I still think Kit and my brothers will just let me fall one day.

"Come on Ves, let's go take care of our brother." Tommy said in a defeated tone.

He walked off, his wings dragging on the floor.

He made no effort to lift them up, a trail of brown and white feathers followed us all the way to the room Ranboo was lying in.

Jubilee was sitting on the side of the bed, with a little jar in hand.

"Go away!" Tommy shouted, flaring his wings, and causing several more feathers to fall to the ground.

"Calm down Icarus, I'm just trying to help." Jubilee said, brushing a hair out of the unconscious teen's face before applying more stuff from the jar onto him.

"Don't touch him." Tommy growled. Which shocked Jubilee, to say the least.

Jubilee said nothing as he finished rubing the, I'd assume, cream, onto Ranboo's face.

He set the small jar on the bedside table, and walked through the wall.

I handed Tommy my brown contacts, and picked up the jar, reading what it said.

"Burn cream." I mused, putting some of it on my hand, and smearing it onto Tommy's arms.

He made no protests, his eyes fixed on his brother's closed ones.

"Ves?" he whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What if he doesn't ever wake up?" Tommy asked, tears shining in his, now brown, eyes.

"He will. You and I know he will." I said, hoping that I could will that idea into existence.


The next several days were spent in the room, both of us refused to eat hardly anything, not that food was truly necessary.

Sparrow had tried to come in several times, and so had Atlas, at some point I threatened to paralyze them, and they stopped.

However, there was nothing we could do about Jubilee, who could just go through walls.

He gave us some clothes though, and always made sure Tommy had a hood on his clothing.


This was supposed to be published TWO DAYS AGO!

Also yay November!

Just wondering, who is participating in NANOWRIMO?

Now how many of you were forced to do it?

Random note: I got recommended a video titled something like Mistakes Amurture Writers Make.

I feel very called out TwT

Also, they really said using words like hissed or scowled in place of said was amuture and fanfic-y.


Have a great day/night my friends!💙

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