The Entity at the Top

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POV Az'ryn
"Warren!" I yell quietly to him when I saw him. He turned around and smiled at me. I went up to him and hugged him quickly. "Hey Az'ryn." He said while hugging back. I broke the embrace to tell him about the quest. "Today at the guild while I was there, I got a personal quest given to me. So I was wonder if you wanted to go with me." "2 things. What's a quest and what does it mean if it's personal." What? Oh right, no memory. I forgot. "A quest is a little job people offer to guilds when the job giver can't do it themselves. In a quest you read the extra list of details and complete the job to gain a reward at the end. A personal quest is where the job giver goes directly to the guild master and requests a certain member of that guild to do the quest." I explained. "Oh ok! What is your reward for this quest?" "400 emeralds." He looked at me like he saw diamonds in the reflection of my eyes. "400?!? That's a lot!" "Yep that's the casual amount for quests. They can be higher too!" "I can see why you joined the guild then." Ya he's right. We will head there in the morning considering it's already night. We head back to the tavern else are staying at. I got into bed before Warren. He was standing at his side of the bed while putting his hair down. I went up to him grabbed his back side and took him down into the bed with me. "Az'ryn. Why are you like this." "Oh come on. You know you love me." I said while laying a kiss on his neck. He sighed and I got into cuddling position. I'm the big spoon obviously. Him in my arms felt so warn like I could hold him forever. UNFORTUNATELY, morning came and we had to get up. We got up and got dressed. I read the quest details again and it says to go to the tallest peak in this region. Ok I guess. We started off by climbing to the nearest peak to see where the tallest one was. Of course I struggled getting on top of it. Once we got to the top we looked around. "Az'ryn" "Hm, yeah?" "Look" Warren then pointed to a peak on the most I couldn't see it at first. Then I realized he wasn't pointing at that one. He was pointing to the one behind it. The peak was reached for the nonexistent stars in the day. It was having a meeting with Zeus in the clouds that it was met with. "We have to climb that..." "yep..." Warren sighed "Let's get this over with." On the cue we climbed down the peak. More like Warren did a water bucket click and left the water for me to jump in. It was the fastest way. We proceeded to the feet of the peak. We spotted a cave at the bottom and it seemed to only head up. We felt like traveling through this cave would be the easiest. We walk on and don't stop walking. The sounds of water dripping from the ceiling of the cave to our feet was weird. How was there water here? We are in a cave. "Warren" Warren stops in his tracks to turn back and look at me. "Yeah?" "Do you know why there is water dripping?" "I don't know really, maybe there is a waterfall to the other side of the peak." "Maybe.." I walk up to the side of him and light lily kiss him. "Let's continue shall we." Warren just pleasantly sighed in agreement. I took his hand in mine and we walked. It was peaceful to me but Warren seemed on edge. As if he sensed something bad was going to happen his other hand was ready on his sword. Our hands broke when we got to the other side. Well more like in the middle. We where at the edge of the first exit to the cave. There was a huge crater in front of us and it was surrounded by walls higher than coal miners on their break in the tavern. In the middle bottom of the crater was the ship. The abandoned ship. We start to make our way down carefully toward it but we tripped a few times. Up front the ship seemed huge and that was the crater massive. I was the first to walk through the opening on the side rod the ship and boom. The biggest piece of Calamari I have ever seen was summoned for the gods in front of us. I fell back landing from the impact. All I hear is "AZ'RYN! GET THE LOOT AND LETS GET OUT OF HERE! I WILL STALL!" I did as he said with no hesitation. I went through the ship and was searching frantically. Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT. WHERE IS IT. Where would the best loot be in a ship..... in the Captain' room! I raced to the back of the ship and smash my body weight through the door. I hear the kraken outside destroying a lot of things including half of the ship I was on. I rummage through all the drawers and found a secret compartment. I was about to open it but then... CRASH! One of the krakens tentacles smashed the ship on top of me. I was stuck.

POV Warren
I brought out my frenzy sword to fight this crazy thing. I noticed that when one of its tentacles hits something it pauses and then lifts back up. That's my chance. I was deep in thought studying the first part of the krakens attack that I didn't noticed the part where Az'ryn is almost being crushed by the ship. Ok that angered me a little, I guess.. maybe. I don't know what I'm feeling, I just want to kill this thing. One of the tentacles went down near me I ran towards it and cut the tentacles in half. I thought I did something but the tentacle was then grown out again. My last option was the most risky option I had, that's why I liked it the most. The kraken was low enough to get to his eye area. Ok, I got this. For Az'ryn or something. Not gonna lie I'm kinda nervous but here goes nothing. I took off my gloves and threw them to the side. A tentacle went down that's my chance. I ran towards it and started to run up the tentacle. Once it started moving up I grabbed onto its side. It didn't settle down at the bottom like the others. Instead it's was moving around frantically trying to get me off. Once i got close enough to the main body, I brought my sword out and SLASH! I split its eye open. This cause the ink reflex to come out every where but, this is my chance I dropped to the ground right below it and hoped for he best. My plan was to get eaten by the kraken and then take out its insides. The more loud thunder and lightning the more anxious the kraken got. As planned the kraken came straight towards me and opened his mouth wide. As if changing realms, I was now in the krakens stomach. It was warms and slimy. It's inside where all squished next to me. I take out my sword with the only space I had and stabbed it's insides. I felt the kraken drop because I dropped as well. It's finally breathes where little sounds that sounded like it's said thank you in a withering voice. I cut open the organs in front of me and see outside again I struggled opening the tough outside of the kraken but I made it out. My eyes where met with Az'ryn's. He was crawling out on the side of the ship still being immobilized by the ships rubble on top of him. I run over to him to start lifting the rubble he crawled out with difficulty but he made it. "Az'ryn, are you ok?" I say kneeling down next to him and his scratched up legs. "First of all do I look ok? Second, what the hell did you just do?" He sounded winded at the second question. I chuckled in the awkwardness. "What do you mean?" My mind was so focused on him and his conditioning didn't hear the worry that came out of his mouth. "WARREN YOU CANT JUST GO AROUND GETTING YOURSELF SWALLOWED BY RANDOM SQUIDS IN THE SKY. You could've died." I was wrapping his wounds in extra bandages when I said, "First of all, I knew what I was doing. The kraken had a delay in his attacks and I got through him. And if you haven't noticed I'm not afraid of death in moments like these." "Well you should. You don't want to lose your life to some silly job involving a big ass squid." "It wasn't for the job. You almost died too. The kraken smashed a half of the ship on you and your worried about me? You need to worry for yourself before others." I was now bandaging his hands. He sighed, and that calmed him down a little. "Next time that happens don't do something risky, ok?" He said. "Ok." I said. I'm still going to do risky stuff but I'll please him for the time being.

POV Az'ryn
My body hurts all over. While Warren was bandaging my body, my thoughts where everything. I was thinking about How I was going to get out then about if I was gonna die and then there is Warren letting himself get killed just to beat the damn thing. I would've been bad if I lost him. I calmed down once I finished my rant to Warren. He got up first and held out his hand to help me. I took it. When I got up we still needed the loot after everything that has happened. It was my turn to do something. Instead of rummaging through the rubble I went to the very back of the ship. Warren followed me as a watcher. The secret compartment was in the back of the ship right next to a wall. I back up from the wall. I run at it and smash it with my shoulder. I pulled out the chest from behind the now ruined wall. It needed a key to be unlocked. "How are we gonna get it open." "I know a way." I gently touch the chest. Then focus on the insides of the chest and I lift my hand. I then pull out the treasure that was in the chest out of my pocket. "How did you do that?" "I'm a wizard from a wizard guild with thievery magic." "Oh." Yip the guild is a wizards guild. I stuff the loot in my pockets. Warren was standing next to me hovering over me. I stand up and take Warren's waist by hand. He lifts his arms above my head and puts them on my shoulders. Our lips met and I loved it. I really hoped this becomes the norm. He was so warm. Even though we were a mess we enjoyed each other. The kiss lasted and I wanted to take it further but our current condition and location wasn't the best so I had to unfortunately wait. We broke the kiss and started to head back it was really late and so we needed to be fast because of the monsters. I decided to go into the guild in the morning to give the lot and receive the reward.

3 Fireworks|Warren x Az'ryn| Drehmal Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ