🎃 <Short Side Story> 🎃

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A/N: I made this for a horror genre for school. I could be considered as a Halloween edition to the story.


Drip... Drip... Drip went the foggy cave in my brain. In the distance, I see a figure made of nothing. Actually, it didn't deserve to be called a figure. It was nothing. I felt its presence shivering down my spine like a snake slithering. Blood sweating down my eyes instead of salty water. The nothing's cheeky little hover over me sent shocks to spark my anger level. I feel anger and frustration. I haven't felt these feelings ever since the day I woke up in this realm. There was oil like substance seeping through the stretched holes in his face. It was approaching me, going straight to my face. When I looked into its eye or eyes, darkness fell upon my surroundings in the corners of my eyes. I couldn't look away as it put the sensation of a hand grabbing me on my face. It's sharp claws piercing my face, making me leak more of my blood. The red liquid continued and continued and didn't stop. I was petrified in place. I was now looking in what seemed to be its mouth open wide with many theater rows of spikes illuminating its pureness. The only pureness in a thousand miles. I squint my flooded eyes to see a man that looked normal, but wasn't in a place for someone like him. The man looked back at me with no remorse. His resting face instantly turned into a face that looked fake. It was a row of zigzagged teeth and murderous eyes gazing at me glowingly. He moved his mouth, shaping the faded words, "Copycat." Copycat? What does that mean? He disappeared. My squinting session turned into an eye wide open terror. That was when I realized the Nothingness's bloody teeth clashed into my head. It whispered to me," Day... One" in the most horrific scratching voice. Red hues and tints blurred my eyes.

Day one. Day one. Day one. Those words repeated in my head as I became conscious again. Waking up out of my trance, I see a figure. An actual figure this time. It was Az'ryn. "Hey bud. You took a dreadful sleep there." He said, laughing at my pain. The tint of red was still in my eyes as I looked around. I looked at Az'ryn, and he was standing out of the red tint. I directed my attention to the cracks in the walls that continued behind me, and moss was growing through them. They felt like the newly found cracks in my soul. Chains on my hands and chains on the man's hands in front of me. Bars blocked us from moving out of the room. Oh, right. We were in a dungeon because of Az'ryn. I glared at Az'ryn sternly. "Hey, Why are you looking at me like that? It isn't like this is my fault." He said, playfully offended. "I'm looking at you because YOU ARE THE REASON WE'RE HERE." I was furious at his carelessness all the time. "Why the heck would you walk straight into the Palace and think you weren't going to get caught?" I said. "Hey, I didn't know there were special items and relics here!" He tried to make as an excuse. I felt two hands creep onto my shoulders, as if they were encouraging me to take drastic measures towards Az'ryn. I took a deep breath and told him, "One day, you're going to be executed, and I won't care." Az'ryn rolled his eyes and the cell fell silent. The echo of footsteps intrigued our deaf ears. We turn in sync towards the preceding footsteps. A guard of the Palace came to our cell. "Ok, you are free to go after thorough inspection of your weapons and belongings. Do not return, or you will suffer great consequences." Demanded the guard in a monotone voice. The guard unlocked the cell and let us out. We stood up and walked out of the cell with chains still around our hands. We go to the end of the hall where they let us free of our physical chains, just not our mental ones that were dwelling in my mind. Furthermore, we collected our belongings. I grabbed my sword and Az'ryn grabbed his potions. Az'ryn has always been good with wielding his magic, me on the other hand needs to improve desperately fast. I say that because of what I witnessed in my "dream" more like nightmare. The guards lead us out of the duengeouns and escort us to the door, where we walked out of for the final time. It was also Az'ryn's last time I ever brought him into something historical. Then, Mystique came up to Az'ryn and slapped him against the face. "Are you CRAZY?! YOU TWO COULD HAVE DIED! Don't ever try to steal from the Palace again." She exclaimed that demand with her whole heart. I can see why because this was her home town and he would be the one to steal things. We were in front of the Tidal Palace belonging to the region of The Black Jungle. Issac and Corwyn came running behind Mystique. Looks like she got a head start. "Mystique *pant* don't kill *pant* them" said Corwyn who was about to pass out from pure oxygen loss. "I second that. Well, you can kill Az'ryn just not Warren." Said the fastly recovered noble named Issac. I felt calm, knowing everyone was now in my sight. Knowing that they were ok was my first priority. Once Mystique was done scolding Az'ryn, we headed over to the Tavern to get rooms. Every step I took felt like I was lunging in heavy snow. The worry I have was the heavy snow. We headed to our paid for rooms and I closed my door behind me. It may have been just me but, when I closed the door, it was more dramatic. I stood there in the room questioning my dream. I go to bed wanting a good dream to come to me in the middle of the night, but I guess it was only fate that something else would happen.

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