Dance til' your Dead pt.2

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POV Warren
It was time for the plan to start and I have to dance with the king. Great. To me it is even worse because before coming here I read up on the king in the library. He never had a good time holding on to past lovers so he makes these royal balls to find a new lover. Unfortunately, this entire time he has been staring at me. I think he thinks I'm up for grabs tonight. Ugh let's just get this over with. Az'ryn is in position behind the crowd ready to go into the hallway once we start dancing. I wait fairly close to the rest of everyone there that is dancing so the king could spot me. He did. The king was a fairly built man and is young. He has dark blue hair almost reaching black and is tall. The crown sits tightly on his head. His suit was feathered and caped themed. It was a deep daring red and black. I will give it to him he is handsome. He's just not Az'ryn. Once the king spotted me he walked over to me ever so slightly to make it out as if he were already there. He lifted out his hand me and said, "Care to dance." He said it with a smirk. I replied, "I'd be my pleasure." We walk to the dance floor with my hand in his. He puts his hand around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We start to slow dance. He gets closer to me to the point where our chests are touching each other. Az'ryn please hurry up. The king's hand started to linger and I couldn't say anything about it. "So what's your name?" The king finally said to me. "My names Warren. What about yours?" "Cyrus is my name." I didn't really care but I learned that is what people do when they want to be polite. The king kept on staring at me lustily and never broke the gaze. I was trying to avoid eye contact so I was looking around slightly. The king lifted his hand from my waist and used the other arm to pull me in tighter. Now I could barely move. He used his other hand to take me chin and direct my face towards him. Then his hand went back down to my waist. We were still dancing to keep no attention to us. "Has anyone told you you have a body fit for being royal?" He said seductively. "Uh no actually." I chuckle a little and smile lightly. Az'ryn please hurry up. I fell like something bad is going to happen.

POV Az'ryn
I see Warren start to dance with the king. The king is to touchy. Way to touchy. He is holding Warren tightly and I want to do something but I can't I have to do this first. I hesitantly leave and go through the hallway. There were suspiciously no guards guarding the door that was at the end. I mean might as well use it. I open the door expecting a jump scare full of quarts. Nothing. I walk through and close the door behind me. All the dark that was there before flooded away like there was a threat to it. There was a giant room that had many staircases leading to the same place. I go up the one in the middle. Now there were guards. The were in front of the room that was directly above the ball room. I look around to see any way in, nope. I walk to the other end of the hall and enter the guards break room. There were guards sitting at a table playing cards. They look at me and say,"We're on break do what you want." "He he thanks." I look around the break room and spot a air vent. Perfect. I walk over to it and lift the vent covering it. I crawl through and I really is a tight space. The first exit was below me. It was far above the stairs I walked up and I would be unconscious if I fell. I proceeded forward. The next exit was where I was going. I crawl over to the vent exit and drop down. I didn't have the softest landing in the world. I was now in a ginormous laboratory with a weird star glowing above the glass. I was amazed by the star I almost forgot why I was there in the first place.

POV Warren
I have been dancing with the King for one a few minutes and I'm starting to worry about Az'ryn. My mind was racing through bad options Az'ryn could have gone through. The slow dance started to come to an end and every one separated from the floor. I tried to make a sign to the King that it was time for me to get off the dance floor. He let go and I smile and took my leave. I got off of the dance floor and headed towards the food table to seem occupied. Then, the King my hand and lead me to a room to the side of the main ball room. He held my worst right to the point I had to follow. He brought me to the room and pinned me against the wall. He brought my hand above my head and grabbed my waist pushing me against the nearest wall. My sleeves fell below my star scars on my arms. The King looks up at them. "Ahhh, so I was right. You are him." He looked back down at me. "You will make a great kin-."


I killed him. The King is dead. I walk out of the room and close the door behind me. I walked over to the food table once again and waited. I acted calmly but, I wanted to kill every single person in this room right now. My nerves were racing and I was still in shock. Although, I had no remorse for what I had done. He deserved it. My scars and eyes were glowing red so I faced the table away from everyone and closed my eyes. I was calming myself down.

POV Az'ryn
The star in the middle of the room started to get to me but, I ignored it. I needed to hurry up. The star reminded me of something I can't grasp in the back of my mind. I back up and take out my bow. I draw back and shoot at the star. Boom. The entire room collapse through the floor. The chandelier fell and crashed along the floor. That was my sign to leave. I jump down in the smoke of all the rubble and instantly look for Warren. He looks unfazed in the corner of the food table. I run over to him. I can feel the tension from two feet away. I went next to him. "Warren? Are you ok?" "Hm? Oh, Ua I'm good" Warren turns around and looks at the pile of debris in the middle of the ball room. "You did this right?" He says like he expected it. "To you Yes. To everyone else No." "Let's act surprised so they don't find out it was us." "He Ya." The guards start to evacuate the people inside along with us. We left and went home.


POV Az'ryn
"Hey what happened to the King." Warren looked stiff when I asked the question. "Oh, he left after the dance. He went to a different room." "Oh ok." I felt off when he said that. I didn't like him. But, hopefully we won't see him again.

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