The Flyer

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-Same Day-
POV Issac
I was working on papers when I found an event flyer about the Games of the Guilds. Maybe we could go to that to get our minds off of recent events. I recently went to a meeting with the other nobles and unfortunately, the King of the Purity Peaks Border has passed away for unknown reasons. We held a memorial. Although, I never really liked him much because he was always so full of himself and it seemed that he used his so-called lovers. I also saw him hitting on someone with red hair at the most recent ball and they also danced together. The Ball didn't go so well though. The ceiling collapsed with the Chandler and everyone was evacuated. That was the last of the King anyone saw. With all of that going on I need a break. I walk out of my castle, manor, or whatever regular Nobles call it. Mystique and Corwyn were out fishing so I went to the river where they were. "Mystique! Corwyn!" I said. Mystique turned her head and Corwyn was focused on a railing in the fish he got a hold of. She looked back at her fishing rod and ignored me like she always does. Corwyn caught the fish. "YES! FINALLY!" He yelled really happily. "Oh! Issac, hello." "Hey, I found a flyer in my paperwork for the Games of the Guilds. I was wondering if y'all wanted to go watch it?" I said. "That would be awesome!" Corwyn says. "Sure." was the only response I could get out of Mystique. The Games are in two days. "What exactly goes down at the Games of the Guilds?" Corwyn asked. "It is where multiple guilds compete with their magic to see which guild is the strongest in wizards." "Oh, that's cool." I look at Mystique as she sat there. I hope this brings her hopes up. I know she misses Warren and not so much Az'ryn. I think Az'ryn kinda peer-pressured Warren into leaving. Although, Warren can make decisions on his own.

POV Corwyn
I finally caught the fish. After, many years of fishing I have finally caught my foe. In reality, I have only learned this a few weeks ago. When Issac and Mystique were teaching Warren and me how to fish and work the fishing poles. Az'ryn was just sitting under a tree looking at us. Az'ryn and I never really got along but, I tried to. It seemed he only ever got along with Warren and Issac. Issac because he always wanted his money so he sucked up to him. Az'ryn liked Warren because... well, I don't really know. Az'ryn seemed to always hang around Warren and Warren never minded it was like he was fond of him. Although, I was a little bit suspicious of them leaving all of a sudden but, I won't have a say in anything. It is their decision. I go back into the borders of High fall and I got colder. It is so weird when the outside of the village is hotter than the inside where all the fires are started up. Issac and Mystique left for their own areas and I decided that I would go back to the mines to get more materials for my blacksmith. I'm thinking of making a new sword made out of an iron base and a diamond blade. I also need to reinforce the base of the structure for the blacksmith. It should be made out of tons of stone and iron because it would burn down if it was made out of wood. I got my picaxe and went to the mines. I scope out the start of the cave and leave torches on my right side so I know where I have been. Caves' sounds kept dripping and the zombies kept groaning. Ugh... I hate Zombies. They're so annoying. I mine some stone and then a small grey fish spawned. I think it is called a Silverfish. I remember when Warren read a book about it to me a while back. Then come out of stone surrounding a rare portal. Wait, does that mean that there is a portal around here? I keep mining around the area the Silverfish came from and even more of the Silverfish spawned. I kept mining and mining and then I found it. It was below me, and I made an opening in the floor and drop down into the sanctuary holding the ancient hole in reality. The lava illuminated the bricks around it. The Portal with 11 eyes open. The iron bars around the portal reflected every aspect of being in the room. I broke the spawner on the steps leading to the portal. I look around and I leave the current room and enter the hallways. I decided to explore.

POV Mystique
I was now walking through the bridge and minding my own business. I will admit, Highfall is a beautiful place. Mostly because it is more peaceful and quiet due to its lack of common folk. Although, other than that it is wonderful. I know I don't give Issac that much credit where it's due but, I will give it o him that I'm glad he cares about his people a lot. He went on a whole adventure just to get a lame iron sword that was made by his people back. That big dummy. Does he know how much time that took? We could have got another iron sword and forged an emblem on it but, no you must drag three other people on a journey to find a dude that stole it. Wow, so intelligent he is. I now climbed a tree to admire the snow falling in the village. When I and Corwyn were fishing and Issac was going through his papers, I found boots, armor, and rotten flesh in the water. There isn't any fish out here due to the amount of snow and low temperature. No wonder they only eat domesticated cattle. I get down from the tree an hour later because there was a branch hitting my back the wrong way. I walk down a path leading past a cave and I see Corwyn coming out of it. "Hello Corwyn," I say. "AH! MYSTIQUE! Huh- don't scare me like that." He exclaims when he jumps from the fright. "Sorry, Did you find anything useful?" I say to be kind but, in reality, I didn't care. "Good! I found some diamonds and lots of good quality stones. I also found one of the strongholds!" Stronghold? There's one under Highfall? Does Issac know? All of these questions filled my curious head. Although, the only words that came out of my mouth were, "Oh, ok."

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