Games of the Guilds

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It was the final battle today. Warren and Az'ryn woke up and got ready. Putting on their casual and usual clothes they get ready to settle the score.

Today's the day. Finally. I have been waiting for this day ever since the first battle. Although, I'm still paranoid that someone is going to sabotage the games. Especially ever since what happened yesterday. I was the first to walk out the door to our hotel room and a stench went straight to my nose. Az'ryn followed behind me, "Ugh, What's that horrible smell? It smells like shit." It did. Why does it smell like bodies? Oh OH SHIT. "I think we should get going," I say trying to keep my cool. In reality, I'm freaking out. We head to the lobby to wait for the others. Mira and Quinn were there and now we were just waiting for Jade and Fern. "They always take so long to get read-" "Don't finish that," Jade said walking out of the hallway with Fern behind her. Quinn's once open mouth, shut. We all headed towards our last battle. I walk in not knowing if our guild will come out first or not.
"Welp, take it all in everyone! This may be the last time you see this place. I'll go check us in." Mira said while sounding skeptical. We wait about another fifteen minutes and then Grekhar, the guild master, arrives. "Well, hello future champions! Are we excited?" He said as cheery and loud as ever. Why is he in a good mood? We all head to the booth where we see the crowds crowd in and the other guilds pile into their guilds. Before I sit back in the chairs provided for us and before I sat down, I was pulled backward. I turn to see Grekhar. "I need you to keep an eye on guild Hisrin." He said quietly. He released my arm and I nodded my head. I could have one of my summons to keep an eye on them but, they might notice. I just sit down mildly observing them. It was almost time for the games to begin.

Today will be something. If this battle is as odd and intense as the last one, well, we'll have to relax a lot. Mystique was already in the lobby and Cowryn had walked out when I had. "Are you guys ready? Today could be even more interesting than the last." I say trying to lighten their tired mood. "How can you be so calm." Says Corwyn. "I don't know. Maybe it's a Noble trait!" I say smugly. "I don't think so," Mystique says chuckling. This made me smile and red a little. Why do I feel so warm and frozen at the same time? "That's the first time I've heard you laugh since we got here," I state as a smile cracks onto my lips. She instantly turned away and walked out of the lobby.
I assumed she wanted to go already so Corwyn and I followed. I was now giddy with happiness. Things were good. We were in a beautiful town, I have Mystique, Corwyn, and Warren-. Well, not Warren but, he'll come back. Things in Highfall were... steady, I'd say. I do need to get the trading treaties with other cities and villages again. Ugh, Dad was good with this stuff. We will be heading back today so I could review the papers of request. We walk to the arena and walk up the steps to our seats. I could feel the radiation of the tension of the guilds. We sit in our seats and prepare for the fight.

I feel very uncomfortable right now. Even sitting down causes me to be fearful. I mean, there are powerful wizards about to battle to what seems like death. The tension is heavier than my hammer. All the chatter around the stadium didn't help. It was like we were witnesses to something we shouldn't be allowed to see. I grip the handle of the hammer tightly to try and relieve myself. I glance at Mystique and she seemed to be sleeping. "How- How can you be sleeping at a time like this?!" I try to make out of my currently closing vocal cords. "Well, I think I know how this is going to play out. The guy they're going to be choosing from Azelea couldn't possibly beat the guy from Hisrin." "You know who they're choosing?" "I have a feeling. I mean the tension alone should tell us how this is going to play out."
She finished that with a statement kind of tone. "What do you think Issac?" I nervously turn my head and clutch my hammer even more." "Hmm? Oh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Ayeye, All I'm doing is watching and I'm even more stressed. The banner appeared above the arena and the game was about to begin. The crowd roared quieter this time. I guess I'm not the only one.

I'm excited to see who is going to be picked. Although, if it is me I will be disappointed. I turn to sit next to Warren. He seemed to be really focused on something and I sat next to him. "Hey babe, ya nervous?" He didn't reply, "Warren?" "hmm?" He did a double-take when looking at me. "Ya, hi, I asked if you were nervous." "Oh, uh not really, I mean, they can't choose me twice so- you're the one who should be nervous." He said. Damn, he's really out of it huh. "Well, ya. I admit that I am in fact a bit nervous. But, just a smidge." I smile. "Ya, a smidge." After Warren said that the banner appeared above the arena.
The final battle. The board read: Hisrin vs Azelea. The announcer announced that both guild's contenders were anonymous. Odd. Why all of a sudden are they anonymous? Oh well. It seemed to be signaled that I was the contender for this final round. Everyone but Warren was relieved. I am with Warren on this, I am not relieved. I started to walk down the arena like it was my death row. Cross my heart and hope to live. The gates open and my opponent and I walk onto the field and wait. From this far away I can see my opponent but I can sense danger. Maybe my lingering bottle of withering will get me my victory, or at least I hope. Ok, so they allow weapons, brewery, and magic. Great, my three specialties, I think. The flag was raised and horns blew. The battle began.

Nobody's POV
The start of the fight felt like slow motion. Az'ryn's footsteps were heavy and filled with pounding nervousness. His opponent light on his feet. Closer and closer then the familiarity set in. "Axel?" Az'ryn said startled. "Hello, dear opponent." Axel nodded. "What the hell dude?! I knew you were shady but, I thought you were in our guild. I could get you disqualified!" Az'ryn muttered out of anger. He knew Axel was a shit person from the start. "Uh, uh, uh If you did that, it would be looked down upon as cowardness. HA! And we wouldn't want that! Please, the first mistake you made was letting ME JOIN THE GUILD-" Azel jumped and ran towards Az'ryn. Az'ryn is now frozen and caught off guard. Axel tagged his chest. Axel's magic allows him to freeze he opponent with the slightest touch.
Heh, still up to his old tricks. Nothings changed. Az'ryn thought. The splash bottle of withering locked in his hand, and the paralyzation withering off. Axel used his first advantage to taunt Az'ryn. "Y'Know for being one of the highest ranked, you sure come off as defenseless." Axel slyly said. As if he knew anything every time we fought we could barely start the battle before we got caught Az'ryn kept that to himself. Az'ryn could now feel the anger set in but he knew if the anger took over this tournament could go south quickly. Az'ryn's hand is back in the battle and that means the bottle is too. With the little bit of mobility that Az'ryn had he threw up his arm and threw the bottle at Axel's feet. Axel faltered a little but not enough to do any real damage.
Maybe I can- wait no not that- how bout' NO! That wouldn't work either! Dammit! What can I do?! Az'ryn's mind was now constantly racing. His upper body was now mostly mobilized. Axel was now circling Az'ryn like a shark ready to strike him again and again until Az'ryn ultimately passes out. Az'ryn searched through his inventory looking for SOMETHING ANYTHING at all to help his position. He remembered his crossbow with fireworks. He had a lot of fireworks from when he and Warren collected them quite a bit ago. That could work! But I need to use it at the perfect time. Once Az'ryn felt his ankle he aimed the firework at Axel's feet and-
The sound went off in a bang, There's no going back now. Az'ryn made as much space as he could in the short span of the rocket going off, between him and Axel. "HA! You think a little rocket can stop me from getting to you?!" Axel ran towards Az'ryn. Az'ryn was prepared this time. Az'ryn grabbed Axel's arm and twisted it. He moved one hand and then shifted his body weight forward. Axel slightly yelped in pain but his ego stopped him.
Axel's side was slammed into the floor. Az'ryn went further and shoved a rocket in Axel's throat and ignited it. Axel's head jolted back and his eyes rolled back. His head was instantly forced into the ground again, blood splattered out. A grin rose on Az'ryn's face. He had been waiting a long time to do that. As Az'ryn released his hold on Axel, Axel reached out to try and tap Az'ryn but was out of reach. DAMMIT! He's out of reach. Just one fingertip and I could turn this around real fast. Az'ryn ran to make space between him and Axel after Axel's failed efforts. Az'ryn then pitched another slash potion but this one was the potion of weakness.
While Axel tried to gain control of his thoughts, Az'ryn turned back to look at the crowd and the overviews. Some were pleased to see the turn of events and others were struck with fear for the other side. Az'ryn then felt a slight touch on his back. He turns his head, for the magic cast on him was not the strongest. Behind him was Axel clutching his head in one hand and his other hand on Az'ryn's back.
His hand dropped. "I WILL NOT GO DOWN THAT EASILY!" Axel drew a sword and raised it high ready to slash down Az'ryn. With quick reflexes and the mobility he has left, Az'ryn twisted around with strength and raised another rocket straight into Axel's throat. Az'ryn grabbed Axel's hand which was close to cutting his neck. Az'ryn pulled Axel in close. In the moment of stillness, Az'ryn whispered, "I should have shoved in it further."

Az'ryn had let go and the firework destroyed Axel from the inside. Az'ryn held him for a few seconds and then dropped him. His body sounds like empty clothes being dropped on the ground with his body hitting the ground. The crowd and the arena echoed in sudden silence. The announcer finally spoke, "THE CHAMPIONS OF THE GRAND GUILDS GAMES ARE AZELEA VILLAGE!"

Is that guy never bothered? The feeling of my feet came back to me. I started to trudge my way to the exit while Hisrin's guild came rushing to Axel's side. I turn the corner of the exit and Warren was there. "Well, that escalated quickly." He said with a smile. "I know it, kinda felt like your round." We started to head back to the others. "Hey, did you know Axel was my opponent?" I asked. "Nope, I had no clue. Wait, THAT WAS AXEL?! THAT WAS HIM?" "Yeah, you didn't notice?" "No, we couldn't see well from that far away, and it happened all so fast." "Oh. Weird." " By the way, blood stains don't come out." "What are you talking about?" Warren then pointed at my back and side.
I was so numb I didn't feel it hit me. "Dang it, heh," I said out of disappointment. We then met the guild outside in front of the stadium. "WOOHOO! THE CHAMPION HIMSELF!" Mira yelled out of pure glee. "Heh, thanks." "That battle was thrilling even from the audience," Quinn stated. "Did you feel frozen too because I sure did." I sighed. I then remembered the presence of the others, Mystique, Issac, and Corwyn. God they were watching the fight too.

The funny thing is I wasn't even watching the arena. I was too focused on watching Hisrin's overview. Everyone was congratulating Az'ryn and even the Grekhar came by and did too. Before we left back to the Inn to pack up, Grekhar whispered in my ear, "Good job, I may need you in the future." He continued walking and that may be the last time I see him again. Although, that is highly unlikely. We were now back at the Inn, in our rooms packing up.
"What do you want to do when we get back to Azelea?" Az'ryn asked me when I had my nose stuffed in a chest. "I don't know actually, maybe we can go to a different region?" "Oh? Is there anywhere in mind?" Az'ryn asked as he put his arm around my shoulders. "Maybe we could head to Highfall. You know, to see the others. I mean it has been a while since we've seen them."

"Uhh, Yeah sure." What the FUCK?! Already?! No ugh. I don't want to face them! I just want you! "We can head there once we get more supplies from the shop center," I said with a smile wanting to please Warren. "Really? That's great!" Warren said extremely happy. Ugh, I'll do this for him. I mean he isn't property and he's his own person but, come on. Although, I wonder how many times he had to do something for me that he didn't want to do. I'll do this for him I guess. We were now packing up the last things. Putting stuff in our inventory and in our ender chests. Warren turned his head quickly towards the window. "What's wrong-" Then something flew through our window. I thudded on the ground and was beeping. "What the hel-" Warren instantly and without any hesitation, picked it up and threw it out the window.
It was a bomb. The whole Inn shook. "What the hell was that?!" I say out of shock. "I think Hisrin's a bit angry about our last meeting with them. Ready to go?" "More than you know." We gather our balance and run out the door. You can tell the horrible stench from last time still lingers. We ran down the stairs and met the others who were also running. "Hisrin's out for our blood," Quinn says while peeking out the window. "Ya, we know, they threw a bomb in our room," I say quickly. "Over here!" Mira quietly yelled across the room. We ran towards the back door. We started to maneuver through most of the shop's backs until the dead end when we had to go to the main street. We sharp-turned and bolted out. We are now just trying to head towards the entrance of Akhlo'Rhoma.
T he moment we stepped foot onto the main street, Hisrin spotted us. "THERE THEY ARE!" SHIT! We bolted through the alleyways and streets. We passed many startled citizens and we even split up to try and lose them. As I was running I caught a glimpse of somebody with white hair out the corner of my eye. It was Mystique. We made eye contact for a few seconds and then she went out of view as I was running. I have a deep feeling she knew the whole time. We all made it to the gate and went out. We caught our breath down the road. "Fewf, I'm glad we lost them," Jade said while catching her breath. "Yeah, *huff* Me *huff* too." Mira was winded. I look back at Warren and he's adjusting his sword. To my side, Quinn looks ready to pass out. My body is slowly shutting down by the second. Once we caught our last breath, we started to walk back to Azelea village. Home Sweet Home.

With Az'ryn agreeing to go to Highfall my spirits had lifted and the escape was thrilling. Right about now I feel great but, I can't say the same about the others. They all look drained. Walking through the peaks of Purity Peaks felt nostalgic. The entrance to the village felt like the first time I saw it. It had only five days and so much went down during those days. It was crazy. Az'ryn and I parted from the others and went to the Tavern we had been staying in before. As soon as I opened the door, Az'ryn rushed in and jumped on the bed. "Tired?" I ask. "YoU ThInK?!" Az'ryn screamed in the pillow. "Heh, go figure." I go to sit next to him on my side. I slide off my shoes and lay down.
"You know, before we go to Highfall, I would like to make a few stops." "What do you have in mind?" "Maybe go by Capital Valley and pass by New Draybel." "Heh, New Dreybel. I remember that place. It's where I met you." "And you also met the others." I added, "Come on, we both know they aren't so fond of me." Well, maybe if you didn't kiss Issac's shoes every time. They would think differently. There was knocking on the door. "I'll get it." I throw myself off the bed and walk to the door. I peep through the door and see it's Mira. I open it. "Hey, Mira. What do you need?" "The group is going to the sauna to relax for a bit. We wonder if you two would like to join?" I look back at Az'ryn and raise my eyebrow as a yes or no. He shrugged and flopped his head back down. I turn back and say
, "Sure we'll come." "Great! See ya'll there." Well, a least they aren't awkward around me anymore. "Well they seem more warmed up to you now," Az'ryn said. "Yeah, I'm glad," I respond.

"That last battle was a thriller!" Me, Mystique, and Corwyn were now walking back to Highfall. "THRILLER?! YOU CALL THAT THRILLER? THAT WAS HORROR!" Corwyn expressed extremely loudly. "Aww come on! It was a great finisher!" I say. "Finisher? You do know that event wasn't planned right? I mean you look like you were rooting for Hisrin." "Was not!" "Was too!" "Mystique what do you think?" She turned to us like she didn't want to be alive at that exact moment. "I think you both should talk about something else. It's almost night and we're all tired." I look back up at the sky and it was dawn. "By the time we arrive at Highfall's gates, it'll be time to go to bed," Corwyn stated.

We got back to the Tavern after a nice and relaxing time at the sauna. Warren and I change into nightwear and got into the comfiest bed ever. "When did the bed ever feel so good?" "Ever since we had a long day, especially you." Warren then scooted next to me and I wrapped an arm around his head. He laid towards me and curled his head onto my bicep. I fell into a nice sleep that night.

-The next day-

Az'ryn and I slept in until noon today. I woke up first to Az'ryn basically choking me to death. I slipped out before I suffocated. Being suffocated by your boyfriend is a weird way to die. I got dressed in my normal attire. "Hmm? What time is it?" I hear muffled behind me. "Well, good morning my dear murderer." "What?" Az'ryn said half asleep. "Nothing, anyways, we have a day ahead of us. We'll probably be traveling during the night." "Oh, right, you want to check out Capital Valley right?" "Mhm. Correct. Although, at the moment, you can find me in the shopping center buying supplies while you get dressed. Got it?" "Yes, Sirrr~," He said sleepily. "Great! Bye, Bye~" I'm in a good mood today so we'll see how long that lasts.
I think we'll need more food, apples for the horses, and healing potions and I think Az'ryn needs more nether wart. Although, he can make potions. They aren't the best tasting. Getting all the materials was time spent especially when you don't know where most things are sold. Looking at the nether warts, a head is plopped onto my shoulder. "Your still tired?" "How can I not be? You got me up this early!" "Early? Dude, you grew up in a big ass cave and it's dark outside. You call this early? Your insane." "Whatever-" he coiled his arms around me,"-what's on today's agenda?" "Well after this we can go straight to Capital Valley." "Yay, walking." He said sarcastically.

We are now heading to the Capital Valley on our loyal steeds. I mean it is right next to Purity Peaks so it isn't that far but, the fact that I had to get up for this is crazy. Walking over the hills that border Capital Valley is exhausting especially since it's night and we have to fight mobs. What is so special about this place to Warren? I remember him saying he wanted to come here when we first left the others. We got over the last hill and all I saw was plains with pathways and one hill in the middle of the area. It stretched far but was not un-walkable and very ridable. It was now sunrise so we sat on the hill while feeding our horses. It was so steep that we could watch the sunrise and all the mobs burn in the sun. Every mob but the creepers but, that's good for me.
-time skip-
We were now at the side of the strange hill in the middle of the plains. Just south of here is New Drabyel. Warren started to climb up the side of the hill. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" "Why are you climbing the hill?" "Oh, there's an entrance at the top." "Ooook." I started to climb up after him. When we were at the top, there was an entrance. A spiral staircase made of stone went down the middle of the hill. We walked down it but, it was longer than the way up so that means we're underground now. At the end of the stone stairs was a hallway system. Stone bricks lined the walls with banners, signs, and statues. We walked further into the hall and it got darker to the point where we had to pull out our torches. The statues were dedicated to the gods, Drehmal, Mealhis, and Virtue. At the end of the hall was an intersection. Three rooms are attached to it. Warren went into the first one on the left. I followed him into the room and he started to look around the tom in the middle. "Was this your, tomb?..." "Uhh, yeah, it was. I wanted to check up on it you know." "Sure"
This guy is crazy. It's just weird he wakes up in the middle of Drehmal, underground, IN A TOMB! And is completely normal about it. These halls are lined with literal shrines dedicated to the gods. The other two rooms seemed to have caved in and are unreachable. I waited outside of the room for Warren. "Ok. I'm ready to go." He sounded sure. "Ok. But, are you good? You sound a bit off." "Yeah, I'm just thinking about what the tower's stasis said." "It's weird how your the only one hearing voices when we go there. Are you sure you aren't going insane?" "I'm not trust me." He said with a chuckle. "Yeah, that's what an insane person would say. By the way, what did the stasis say?" "It said that I had been sleeping for 1081 years." "Oh, right..." Yeah, That's not a clue or anything. We head out of the long hallways and the was the sun. It felt much better to be out of that creepy basement.
We went down the oddly steep hill and wandered back to the path. Instead of going into New Drabyel, we passed by it. The trail itself brings back memories of our first journey. Highfall City is located in Highfall Tundra. It's cold, far, and really up North from where we are. It'll take all day tomorrow and half of tomorrow's tomorrow to get there. Although, It would've taken longer with no horses. We climbed up onto Leather and No Name and started to head North.

"You know you can't just have No Name as his name forever," Warren said. "Why not? It's a memorable name!" Az'ryn yelled. "Ya, sure." The whole night was quiet and dark. They only talked to each other when needed but kept it minimal to not attract hostile mobs. The Gulf of Drehmal was made up of hills, forests, and rugged swamps. It was a big change from the plains of Capital Valley. They traveled along the coast to avoid the trudge areas. The sea was a deep blue during the upcoming morning. They were able to tell where the Gulf of Drehmal ended and Akhlo'Rhoma began. Akhlo'Rhoma was as bright and beautiful as always and kudos to the noon daylight. They had to make sure their horses could maneuver through the oversized petals falling from the ginormous flowers and canopies over their heads. The Resting River from the Verukht Plateau poured into Akhlo'Rhoma.
The two and their horses had to travel alongside the mountain range surrounding Akhlo'Rhoma. While leaving the exotic region the real challenge towered over them. Verukht Plateau. They got off their horses and lead them up the side of the mountains in Akhlo'Rhoma. The mountain range and the plateau met each other. Crossing the border of the two regions Warren and Az'ryn could easily see why Drehmal (the god) was worshiped. The trees and the lakes were central. The bottom of said lakes was grounded with multicolored rocks giving a reflection onto the nearby trees. Most of the plateau was cold but not cold enough to freeze the water. It was around night time of the second day and tomorrow will be when they arrive in Highfall. They set up camp by tress for coverage. Az'ryn used this time to try and get the blood out of his clothes the best he could. But, overall, Warren was right about the staining. It's not like he didn't have red in his outfit anyways.
Az'ryn trudged on back and Warren was leaning on a tree. Warren made the gesture of patting the ground for Az'ryn to sit in front of him. Az'ryn complied. Warren massaged Az'ryn's back and then they slept through the night. In the morning they got up and set off the scale the rest of the trip with ease. Although, Waren stopped by the tower upon the plateau just to knock it off the list. The City of the Plateau was located at the southern bottom of the Plateau's foot.
That means the wizards had to climb up here to train every time. No wonder they lost, they had to waste all their energy to get up here. Az'ryn and Warren thought collectively. Highfall tundra was made of pure little hills covered in white with a few mountains and peaks here and there. It was a bit downhill from Verukht Plateau. The first steps into the snow are always the hardest. The two were considering taking different clothes from their horse's bags but, they were almost there. The further they went into Highfall the whiter the scenery. How the hell did Issac grow up in this crap? Warren thought to himself. Catching their footing while scooting down the steep snow-covered hill they see a City with lights melting the snow around it.
"FINALLY!" Az'ryn yelled. All the creepers and spiders turned their heads and started going after them. Az'ryn and Warren grabbed their horse's leads and started to run down the hill. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT !?" Warren snapped. Az'ryn and Warren ran all the way up the bridge and stopped at the gate. They were panting heavily. Az'ryn leaning on the gate and Warren basically doubled over. "Remind me *huff* not to agree *huff* to go on another adventure with you*huff* ever again." Warren huffed out. Before Az'ryn could retaliate they heard, "Warren?" Warren and Az'ryn looked through the gate and saw Corwyn standing there with wood in his hands. "Hey, bud-" "WARREN!" Corywn dropped the wood and jumped into a strong hug with Warren. He knows I'm here too. Right? Az'ryn thought

An: I have officially moved this story to Ao3 from now on. Some things in this chapters should've been italicized but they didn't so ya. If Ao3 goes down again I will move back here.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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