Training days

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POV Az'ryn
I woke up to Warren sleeping on top of me. I sit up to sitting position and I bring Warren with me. I lay his tired head on my shoulder and rub his back slowly and lightly. He wakes up 30 minutes later and sits up straight. "Good morning~ Have you decided where you want the mark to go?" Warren yawned. "Yeah. I think it would be good on my thighs because of the open area in my pants." That was a good idea. "Ok we can do that." We woke up a little more and I got up to get the ink Mira gave me. Warren sat on the side of the bed and spread his legs open. I kneeled down by the area he wanted. "Right or left leg?" I said. "How about the left leg." That was my right. I used my hand to grasp his thigh tightly so I wouldn't mess up. I started with the out line trying my best not to mess up. I got the point and the corners and the inner shape outlines done. It was time to fill it in. His scars on his thighs where harder to fill in so it caused me to press the pin harder into the skin. Getting a guild mark isn't painful but it will feel a little numb due to the pressure we have to put on it at first. After a few days the numbness would go away and it would feel normal. His leg shakes a little when that happened. I tightened my grasp more. His thigh was so squishy. His leg settled down and I filled the rest of the mark. I used a towel to wipe the needle. This position was quite pretty. I kiss the inside of his right thigh and I stand up. While I was putting the needle away, Warren was observing his new addition to his skin. "Wow, You did a great job it looks just like yours!" Mine? "When have you ever saw mine?" I questioned. "When you change." O that makes since. We should get our stuff together for the training today. We get up and got dressed.

POV Warren
Getting the mark didn't hurt then but now that I'm moving it is really sour and numb. We were walking to the guild now. Az'ryn grabbed my hand and started to swing it. "What are you doing?" I chuckled. "Holding your hand. I always did this when I was little." He smiled at me and it warmed my heart. I'm glad he's happy. I don't think I want to remember anything because I like the memories I'm making now. We arrive at the guild and we walk in. This is my third or second time going in to the guild. It is empty. "Hi Mira!" Az'ryn said while releasing his hand from mine. It was fun while it lasted. "Ahh, Az'ryn and Warren you guys are right on time." She said happily. Looks like everyone is in a good mood today. That's good. Mira leads us and the other members who are participating to the designated training area outside of the town. There was three other members participating. Two girls and one guy. The first girls name was Fern and her magic was thorns. She can make thorns grow from the ground and grow for as long as she can. Her weakness was every time she grew a thorn there was pain in her hands. Jade was the other girl and she can control the ground. She can cause earthquakes, sandstorms and even create quicksand in small portions. The way it effects her is because the surrounding events she's causing can effect her. The last guy was named Quinn and he can mess with the opponent's perception of things. Such as their vision, he can make it seem he is farther away but in reality is still the same distance from them. The way this affects him is that he can get nauseated in the middle of the fight. That could be a bad thing in the fight but that is why we are training. We get to the designated area and there are different parts to this terrain and they are mad for different magic. Fern would be practicing in a forest type area, Jade was in a rocky area, Quinn was and Az'ryn would be training together and I was left on the side of the nearest beach. I liked the beach because of its nice cool water and the nice breeze that came with it. It was time to start. I look at the ground and I focus on what I want to summon. I think of what and where I want to summon the entity. I remember back to a book I read and it said I needed to build a bond with the monsters, creatures, and entities I'm bringing to the over world. I guess I will start with something easy then go on to things I need to focus more on like phantoms or even ender dragons or even something more. I try to summon a skeleton in front of me. I place my hand out and think of it. When I was ready I wove my hand back and forth in one motion and only once and the ground rumbled a little bit. Boney hands grabbed my ankles and a big dark hole appeared under me. I fall down and I get dragged under. I fell endlessly for a few seconds and then land in a shallow sea of blood and black liquid. I could feel things crawling on me and I look up. I see and piles of skulls and debris and there was a stairway leading up it. The thick black fog was hovering the stairs. I get up on my legs and walk towards the stairs. I guess the only way is up. These situations always somehow happen to me. I started to walk up stairs. I got halfway through the stairs when a man or thing was on a throne in front of me. He seemed to be the leader. It now hit me that I wondered why I was here in the space with them. "Aaa, So your the summoner of our souls." What do they mean by that. The being got up from their throne and he appeared taller. "You are the one who can control us. We brought you here today to speak with you about your power. You seem to be one of the powerful sorcerers in our time just by the look of you. I'm glad." He said that out of his unhinged jaw. I looked around the radius of my vision to see all of the beings I could summon. He talked again," As I assume you know that you have to make a bond between us and you, so I propose we do that now." He continued to say that there can be three main summons and I would need to practice more if I needed to have more creatures on the field. I looked around the black nothingness to see many creatures. When I was ready I returned to the overworld. I landed back into the squishy sand I was on before. I decided that my first three summons would be different levels so I could train for a high level. The first on would be a B ranked monster, the Kelpie. The Kelpie was a sea creature. On the battlefield it creates a worl pool and and it turns into a series of attacks involving mesmerizing movements. It could also take a human form. The second creature would be an Caladrius an A ranked creature. Caladrius are big, tall white birds that live in kings houses. When I summon it, it shines down from the sky putting my opponent in a trance. That is when I can fight the opponent myself. The last creature is a S rank serpent. It is the highest rank I can go to. The Serpent comes from the ground behind me and can attack my opponent directly. Its elements are whatever I can focus my mind on. The element I chose will be based on what my opponents magic is so I can counter attack them. Although, this magic does come with a price. Whenever I summon a soul, my body slowly losses function to the point where I can pass out instantly due to the brain fog. That is also my training. Tomorrow I can start actual training. Az'ryn came over to get me. "Warren! SAVE ME!" He said running away. What? Next I saw Quinn chasing him yelling, "Give that back!" This is normal.

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