My battle.

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POV Az'ryn
This whole morning I was worried because Warren wasn't there when I woke up and he didn't leave a note. I got to the stadium and he wasn't there either. The others asked where he was but I didn't even know. I knew he was ok because he doesn't always need me but that doesn't mean I can't help him. I was watching the crowd flow in around us and I heard someone walking behind us and it was Warren. "Hey, Where were you?" I sounded kinda urgent. "Oh, I was on a walk," Warren said with a plain look on his face. Was he ok, he usually says it more in a reassuring way. "Ok. But, you're good right?" I asked as we were leaning on the balcony. "Never better." He said, plastering a smile on his face. "Ok." The board showing the battles came up and we were against FrostFang. First was the battle between Winter Jasmine from The Frostbite and Hisrin from Faehrcyle. I'm gonna be completely honest, Hisrin wiped the floor with them. It was brutal and the guy who was their opponent was rushed to the infirmary. The crowd was silent except for people from Faehrcyle. They were clapping and screaming and the rest were worried about the opponent. Now it was our turn. The board appeared and someone with illusion magic was the next battle. Warren was chosen. All he did was sighed and he headed down. We gave him a few good luck and he went. I wonder how mentally prepared he is.

POV Warren

Great. Just wonderful. I stand behind the door and wait till they let us enter. "Let the games begin." Since he uses illusion magic I need to focus. I cleared my mind as I was walking to the start. I blocked out everyone around us and focused on the opponent.''Well, this should be easy. Someone from a criminal guild that could never stand its ground. This will be easy." The opponent said as he chuckled. That kind of pissed me off even more than I already was. "You know you're saying that to someone from a criminal guild right? What's your name?" He went silent for a second. "What's it to you?" "So I know who's grave to spit on." Right after I said that he attacked. He pulled out a shield that tried to put me into a trance. So that's his magic. I stomp my foot on the floor and summoned hands out of the ground to hold him still. He noticed this and reinforced the shield. The shock wave came over me and it made me remember every bad thing that had happened like the ball, when Az'ryn first left and then earlier. This aggravated me to the point where I wasn't thinking straight. I hope I kill him.

POV Issac

The shock wave was felt from all over the stadium. It affected us and all the memories of my childhood came back to me. When it was over I looked around and everyone seemed down all of a sudden. So it wasn't just me. I look back at the fight and the guy from Azalea seemed to be still. He waved his arm and the ground rumbled. A serpent busted out of the ground and took hold of the opponent. The serpent's head jerked back and then forward and slammed the guy into the ground. He was out and looked completely still with no effort to get up. He looked dead with all his blood splattered everywhere even on the guy standing, the redhead. The serpent ducked down to the redhead and got scratches on his scaly chin. The redhead dismissed the serpent and the serpent returned to the ground. The redhead then walked to the exit on his side. Everything was silent until the noise of a door closing and another door urgently opening broke the silence. The nurses got the guy bleeding into the infirmary instantly. I look over to the Frost Fang booth and they looked stunned. I turn my head to the Azalea booth and I can tell they look terrified. I turned my head to Mystique and Corwyn. They looked unsettled and the rest of the crowd was shocked. The sound of clapping came out of nowhere and echoed throughout the stadium. My eyes followed the sound and it was coming from a guy sitting above the Azalea booth. I squinted and he was wearing clothes that made him look important. After everyone came to their senses again, people started to leave. We left too.

POV Warren

He deserved it. I exited the arena and went to the lobby. I was heading to the booth where the guild was and other guilds started to walk past me. They knew who was next. Azalea versus Hisrin. I got to the booth and went out. All they did was look at me. "Hey, did something happen down there?" Mira said with a shaky tone. "Well, he talked shit about y'all so I fought him. Was I not supposed to?" "No, uh, anyways let's head to the Inn." We all walked to the Inn and went to separate rooms. When Az'ryn and I were alone I asked him, "Hey, did I do something wrong? Everyone seemed very distant after the battle." I said as I closed the door. "Uhm, well, they're not trying to be, it's just that we didn't expect it to go down like that. It seemed like you were very angry and they never saw that side of you.-'' he pulled me in. "-I will say to myself that I never saw that side of you. It'll probably blow over their heads and everything will go back to normal tomorrow." "I guess you're right." I broke away from the embrace because I was too tired to go any further. I got undressed and went to sleep even though it was the middle of the day. I still hold firm to my opinion that I wish the guy was dead after what he made me remember.

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