Calm before the storm.

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POV Az'ryn
We went home and it soon turned Into the next day. This morning I got up before Warren did so I let him sleep. I headed down the on the guild and there were less people around. Well it is that time of year where it is staying the in get more colder than usual to the point where it is usual. Most members go home for the upcoming frozen days and others like to stay at the guild and act like they don't feel anything.  "Hey Az'ryn!" Mira called from across the hall. I walked over to her and sat down on a stool in front of the table. "Good morning Mira. How are you?" I said. "Morning? It's the middle of the afternoon. You and Warren must have slept  in." "Warren is still asleep." I say acting surprised. I really wasn't surprised because as long as he doesn't slip into another slumber for over 1081 years, he can sleep whenever he wants. "Oh! How was the ball? Did you and Warren dance~" Mira said smirking at the end of the sentence. "Unfortunately no. It was a mess and it was hilarious. So basically, When the King started his announcing everyone look mesmerized and it turned out that they were being controlled by a certain light coming from above and behind the glass. So, Warren and I created a plan where Warren distracted the king and I snuck behind everyone to get into the ceiling. Warren distracted the king by dancing with him plus, the king already had his eye on Warren so it worked out! I got behind the glass to see a room that seemed like a laboratory. The the ceiling crashed and I fell down a story. I crashed on the ballroom dance floor and the guards escorted everyone out." That is how I summed it up. Mira then questioned, "Where was the King?" "Well, Warren said that I didn't have to worry about him so I trusted that statement." "Ok. Anyways we, the guild, need you to participate in something and Warren too." What could it be this time? It better not be another personal requested quest again. That was horrible and terrific. "You guys will participate in the upcoming Games of the Guilds." "Is that why there aren't as many people here in the guild than usual?" "Yep! That and it is nearing the winter so people went home to their families." She said. Wow they ditched us. She continued to say all the information that I didn't care to listen too. "Now on to Warren. He will need to have our guild mark during the games." Oh. I didn't want to get Warren caught up in the guild. That was the last thing I wanted to do. "Can I talk to him first about it?" "Oh ya definitely." "When will the games be?" I said. "It will be in two weeks. We will be also holding a week long training session for the part of the guild members that are participating." She said. It would be good to start training my magic. I also wonder what magic Warren has. I know he can summon or bring things back to life but I have never seen him do it. We have never been in the situation where it was needed to do such things. "Ok I will talk to Warren." "Oh before you go! Here is the ink for the guild mark if he says he is ok with it." "Thanks" I say in return. I leave the guild with the news and he'd back to the Tavern. I went into our room to find Warren still asleep. What happened yesterday that made him so sleepy? I walk over to his side of the bed and sit on the bed next to him. His sleeping face in pretty cute. I lean down and peck a kiss on his cheek. I gentle rub my thumb along his soft face. He started to wake him. His body was lifted to mine. "Az'ryn?" He groans. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." I say with a smirk in my voice. Warren slides up into a sitting position still half asleep and with hair in his face. I lean in and move away his hair and kiss him. I leaned back and Warren finally woke up. "I thought I would be asleep for another 1000 years but I guess not." I chuckled at that. "Well I can't wait a thousand years to tell you." "Tell me what?" Warren said yawning. Why is this man so tired today. "The Games of Guilds are being held and there aren't there aren't many people around our guild so, we would like to know if you could participate." I said. "Sure, I can do it. When is it?" I didn't expect him to agree so quickly. "Uhh. It is in two weeks and there will be a training session for a week starting tomorrow." I pause and then say. "If you are set on participating I will have to put the guild mark on you later." It kind of pained me to say that. "Ok."

POV Warren
"Ok." It isn't like a guild mark could change my entire life and plus I could put the guild mark where people can't see it unless I'm naked. So only Az'ryn would see it. The training ideas was a great idea because I haven't used my magic in the longest time because I have never needed too. When I first realized In had magic was the night I awoke in my tomb. I climbed out of the mountain I was placed in and headed down to the lit up structure below the mountain. I head down the path leading to New Draybel only to find a path full as monsters as well. I raised me hand at them in fear and all of sudden more monsters started to rise from the ground around and behind me. That happened a couple of times until I realized it was me who was raising them from the literal dead. The only down side is if I don't know how to control it well enough it can back fire and they will start attacking me too. When I then got to a secure location I had scratches all over me and it hurt. I placed me hands over the blood and I winced in pain. This was before I knew my name or any others so I was obviously confused and frightened and didn't know how to call for help. I wished I had a sword or any type of weaponry and magically a sword formed from my blood. When that happened I was in shock so I didn't remove my hand from my arm causing me to have sword pierce through my arm almost causing my arm to be cut of. I instantly let go and the sword disappeared but still leaving the deep cut. Every since then K have been using a normal sword because it involves me cutting myself or another to get blood and I rather no hurt anyone or myself. Recently, I went through he towns library and picked up a book on different Magic's to see if it could help me. There was only one page of summoning magic and no pages of blood magic. The one page only talks about how I need to build a bond between me and what I am summoning. That was the weird part because how do I build a bond with monsters. Back in into the original topic, I think it is a great ideas to hold a training session because then I can train the summoning magic of mine. Now that I'm thinking of it it where would I put the guild mark? When I where my normal clothing I show my fore arms and thighs so maybe I could put on my thighs. When I was lost in thought, Az'ryn moved me to where I was now laying in his chest and he was relaxing. I drifted asleep in his grasp.

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