Can you heal me? Have I gained too much?

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"Greetings, people of Guangzhou, China, and the world!" Everything after this was pretty much a blur, as Michelle began listing her ideas for tax and civic issues, complex topics that Basil didn't care about or understand.

Basil looked to Sunny, who seemed deep in thought. He looked over to Basil, and deep into his eyes.

Basil began blushing and averted his gaze when he felt Sunny hold his hand.

"Antimony will also be made illegal in all production in Guangzhou. Now, my son has a speech about his experience with homosexuality. I hope you will all take his words to heart." She feigned respect, and did a slight bow, before stepping back for her son to speak.

Basil nervously approached the podium, Sunny holding his hand. "It's okay, I believe in you." Sunny whispered with a patient smile.

Basil felt like covering his face to blush, but now wasn't the time for that. It was time to try and help the world.

"I... I'm Basil... and... um... I figured out I was gay... a little while ago... um... I- I think that... the history of China has heavily included... a lot of influence from gay people..." Basil was extremely anxious. The cameramen stared blankly, some people took pictures for what felt like no real reason.

"You... We all need to... remember what separates us... from those we are against. The- the working class... stood together in the revolution... regardless of gender, of sexuality, or of race." Basil tugged on his wrist, "I just want everyone to be able to be happy... one step at a time, we can make China a more accepting place..."

Basil did a slight bow to finish his speech, Sunny bowed with him silently.

"Thank you to my son, and thank you everyone for coming in to watch our rally." Michelle said, walking back over to the podium.

A group of people Basil hadn't seen earlier suddenly appeared from behind the men with large recording cameras on their shoulders. Each of them looked like news reporters...

Oh no.

"Now me and my son will answer any questions you have." Michelle said with a fake smile.

A black haired woman with bright red lipstick approached small platform-stage, fixing her hair slightly before speaking into her microphone. "Hello, I am Kim Qiao from Haoma China News. Our viewers have some questions for your son." She spoke with firmness.

No, no, no no no no... what if they ask a question I can't answer? What if I have to lie again...

Michelle motioned Basil to the podium. He didn't let go of Sunny's hand.

"Um... what's the question..?" Basil asked cautiously.

"Our station prides itself on its polling proficiency. Our first poll question is, how long have you known you were homosexual?" Her formal tone made Basil a bit tense, but it made sense given the setting.

"Ah... well... I think, maybe since last year. I thought I might've been gay since 1996, though... but I only was sure since last year..." Basil avoided eye contact.

"Thank you. Our next poll asks, to Sunny, how long have you loved Basil?"

Basil anxiously looked to Sunny, Sunny wore no expression, and moved towards the microphone. "As long as I can remember, I have loved him."

Basil felt his face turn red.

How I wish you really meant that.

The reporter showed not even a hint of emotion in her response, "Very cute. Now back to Basil, what is your opinion on the idea of your mother becoming mayor of Guangzhou."

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