Tell me where I came from, what I will always be.

459 26 139

-- TW: omoi is ploopy

Sunny turned on the shower. Thank god his mom wasn't home to freak out about the blood. When she does the laundry, he'll get an earful.

That's a problem for future me.

Sunny got into the shower and began to process what happened as the confusion and emotions of what happened bubbled up.

"Holy shit. I'm... Omori is... I..." Sunny looked at his hands as he spoke to himself in the shower, "I could've died... holy fuck..."

Thankfully for Sunny, Omori was tok showboat-y to just stab him without taking a few minutes to taunt him, and attempt to torture him.

All I lost was a lousy piece of extra skin... and probably a lot of blood.

Sunny noticed himself feeling slightly lightheaded. Definitely a lot of blood.

"Consider it a favour, even if I didn't mean for it to be one." A familiar and honestly grating voice piped up, "Jesus, how are you going to please your boyfriend with such a small-"

Sunny interrupted... or I guess, thought about interrupting since it's in his brain.

I swear to fuck, Omori, I'm gonna figure out how to kill you some day.

Omori laughed. "Dare you to try, faggot." His presence was quickly removed by Stranger. He didn't say anything, but Sunny still said "thank you" in his mind.

Sunny rinsed the shampoo from his hair and picked up his razor. His thoughts drifted back to Basil as he shaved.

Is this a dream? Am I actually, like, his boyfriend now?

Sunny stopped shaving and looked insecurely at his penis.

Is it actually small, or is he just saying that to be a bitch?

Sunny shook his head, splashing water loudly on the shower curtain. He needed to stop thinking about Omori and all the stupid shit he says.

Sunny left the shower and dried himself off. A little bit of dried blood that was left over got stuck to the towel. He pretended it wasn't there.

Sunny immediately went upstairs to get dressed and to say some sappy romantic things over WeChat. They're easier to say in text than out loud.

White short-sleeved shirt. Black sweatervest. Cargo shorts. The definition of style.

He hopped on his computer, not literally, of course, and opened WeChat. He already had a message from Basil.

"wan ( ^▽^)" the message read.

<Sunnny> What's "wan" for? Lol.

<BasilC> i made it it stands for 我爱你 :D

--(that's I love you in Chinese goobers)--

Sunny covered his mouth and laughed. It was creative.

<Sunnny> Well then, wyan is how I shall respond.

--(that's for 我也爱你, which is I love you too in Chinese, you goobers)--

Sunny watched Basil's icon say he was typing for a few moments before he heard the phone ringing.

Sunny ran over to it, hoping to hear his new boyfriend over the line.

"Hello?" Sunny answered excitedly.

"Hello, my commpaddrayy!" The Maverick said through the receiver, butchering whatever language that was supposed to be.

"Oh... uh, hey The Maverick." Sunny said, trying to hide his disappointment

The Maverick stayed silent for a moment to strike a pose that Sunny could sense but not see. "My birthday is coming up, and I have decided to have my party tomorrow." He said coolly

"What? Uh, do-" Sunny couldn't even start.

"Don't worry, conrad, you need not buy me a gift. Your presence will be enough." The Maverick struck another unseen pose.

"MIKHAEL!! HAVE YOU SEEN MY NEW BRA?!" Mrs. Baker screamed from somewhere in the background.

"MOM! I'M ON THE PHONE!" The Maverick yelled back.


"Jeez. Alright, make sure you show up at the party tomorrow. I will be defeating Kel with my new techniques and technical prowess." The Maverick declared, posing over the phone again.

Sunny decided not to ruin his fun with posing. "Alright, I'll be there. Happy early birthday, dude."

The Maverick made a click with his tongue before hanging up.

He moved back towards his computer once he put the phone back onto the hook.

A notification had appeared.

<BasilC> i literally had a crush on you for so long omfg
<BasilC> this is like a dream come true lol
<BasilC> i love you so much sunny

Sunny typed back

<Sunnny> I love you too, Basil. : )

He looked at his new friend request from Kel. Maybe things would be alright from now on. Or at least, better than before.

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