Chapter 16

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After hearing the monster attack, The high priest immediately went to the Camping site where the Hunting festival is being held. By the time that the priest the rest of his companions arrived, the image of the injured knights and nobles greeted them. He together with the other priests started to cure the wounded and that's when crown prince and the other nobles and knights who participated in the hunting arrived.

"Lady Irene." The priest noticed the lady with the Magician of the Black Tower.

"Your holiness." Irene gave her curtesy. "Thank god, you're here."

"I heard what happened. Are you alright, my lady?" Hoseok asked and scanned the lady standing in front of him.

"Eh. She's fine." Namjoon cut in.  "She just fainted earlier. She couldn't handle seeing those monsters coming for her neck, I guess." He deadpanned.

Irene cleared her throat in response. "Thanks to the kind magician who saved me, I'm alright." She exclaimed, looking embarrassed.

"But what caused the rampage?" The priest asked, scanning the ruined place.

"That's why I'm here." The magician revealed, his eyes scanning for a certain someone. "Dang. Where the hell is that girl?" He mumbled as he desperately looking around with his eyes.

"What do you mean?" The priest asked, feeling curious about his first statement.

The magician finally faced them properly, smirking. "And why would I tell you? Anyway, I'm out of here. I still need to look for someone." He exclaimed before disappearing out of no where.

The high priest became even more curious of what the magician was talking about but he didn't had the time to think more of it because the figures starting to emerge from the entrance of the forest. The crown prince being accompanied by the imperial knights and also some of the nobles and their own knights finally went back after their own battle inside the forest. They all looked exhausted and wounded.

"Your highness!" The high priest and some of his followers immediately surrounded the prince. "Are you hurt somewhere? Let me heal you." Hoseok offered.

"I'm alright. Just tend to those who needed more healing." The prince stated.

"My prince." Irene appeared on the prince's side. "Are you injured anywhere, Taehyung?" She asked and that's when the prince finally noticed her.

"I'm fine, lady Irene." Taehyung answered before turning to the other side where the Kimberhalds were in commotion. "What's going on there?"

"The young lady of Kimberhald is missing, your highness." His knight reported.

The high priest looked shocked by the news and the image of the young lady appeared in his mind. He immediately remembered the black magician who looked like he was looking for someone earlier and thought that he might knew something that could help.

The crown prince quickly marched his way to the frantic brothers and the frown painted on Irene's face was evident but she still followed anyway and so did the high priest.

"Your highness." The kimberhalds bowed in greeting as they arrived.

"I heard lady Kimberhald is missing. I shall help in searching." The prince noted.

Irene grabbed the prince's arm in protest. "Your highness. You've just arrive.You need to rest for a bit, at least." She stated.

"Pardon, lady Velvet." Jimin looked aghast. "My sister's out there somewhere and we don't know if she's hurt. And you want the prince to just sit here?" Jimin said furiously and Irene looked frightened a little.

Jin immediately stopped his brother. "I apologize for my brother's rudeness, my lady but we definitely need as many as needed to find my sister." Jin then looked towards the crown prince. "If the prince thinks otherwise then—"

"No." Taehyung quickly answered. "We should search for the lady as soon as possible."

"Then I shall go too." The High priest exclaimed. "If the lady is injured, it would be a good idea if I'll be there." He added and the rest nodded in agreement.

Irene looked defeated when the men that supposed to hate the rumored villains were all worried for her. Just when the crown prince and the rest of the search party mounted their horses, they heard some galloping from near the forest and that's when they saw the image of the young duke riding his horse and Jisoo sitting in front of him.

***to be continued***

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